N. Suguna
Onion is an essential ingredient found in every household in India. It is also used abundantly all over the world. It has been in use for thousands of years. Onions are available in red, yellow and white colours and in various sizes. They are commonly used for culinery purpose to make gravy for vegetarian and non vegetarian curries. Inspite of it being used in curries, salads, chutnies and pickles it has numerous health benefits. Onions contain the chemicals that have anti -inflammtory, anti- cancerous, anti- cholesterol and anti -oxidant properties. The consumption of onions reduces the risk of neck and head cancers and is said to have effective medical properties to cure common colds to heartdiseases, diabetes and other diseases. While peeling onions only the outer most paper layer should be removed. If you peel deeper you will lose all the flavonoids.
The following are the health benefits of Onions:-
*Extract of onion juice one spoon and extract of ginger juice one spoon added to one spoon of honey gives relief from common cold. It helps to improve your immune system and make you stronger to fight the cold.
*An age old remedy is to hang a half cut onion in the room, as the smell permeats the room and gets into your throat and nose, the cold gets cleared. It even helps to clear the sinuses.
*Roast onion on low fire and sprinkle little salt over it and eat to enhance the power of digestion.
*To get relief from pain in the gums add little salt to the juice of onion and apply over the affected area.
*To get relief from earache warm little onion extracts and put 4 drops with a dropper in the ear.
*Sometimes due to excessive heat nose bleeds. Just put 4 drops of onion juice in each nostril. This will give immediate relief.
*The paste of onion can be applied externally over the bruise.
*Onions provides protection for the heart and the blood vessels when consumed with diet that is rich in vegetables and fruits. Onions eating with other flavonoid containing vegetables can even prevent heart attack.
*Application of raw onion is said to be helpful in reducing the swelling from the bee sting.
*The sulphur content in onion provides direct benefit to our connective tissue which enhances the bone health.
*Onion is especially beneficial to women who are experiencing loss of bone density. Frequent consumption of onion increases the bone density and reduces the risk of hip bone fracture.
*Onions have reported to have shown lower our risk of several cancers even after consuming only moderate amounts of onions.
*Daily consumption of onions has a very powerful effect against various types of tumors.
*The high and rich sources of sulfides present in onions bring down the blood level lipids in patients who have cholesterol problems and also help in controling blood pressure.
*Onions contain rich source of sulphur which is considered as anti -clotting agent and helps to prevent from any blood clots.
*Onion juice is an excellent remedy for epilepsy.
*Onions can help relieve stomach upsets and other gastrointestinal disorders. It will also strengthen the appetite.
*Regular application of onion juice can help remove warts.
*Onions very effectively relieve the congestions in the lungs and bronchial tract.
Do not throw the Onion peel in the dust bin.
*Using onion peel brew for washing your hair will keep your hair healthy, thick and dandruf free. It will give your hair a golden reddish shade.
*Tea from onion peel tones your cardiac activity, boost immune system and reduce muscle spasms.
*Just pour boiled water over the onion peels, make a brew and use as a natural remedy to clean your body from harmful surplus of sodium and chlorin. This is beneficial for those who suffer from heart diseases.
*Use onions in peels when you make soup. It will not only give soup a special colour but will also add health benefits to your soup.
*Boil your Easter egg with onion peels to give a beautiful shade naturally, avoiding artificial colours.
Though there are innumerable health benefits of consuming onions, there are few people who try to avoid it.
Due to its rise in ‘tamasik’ tatwa such as anger some sects of people refrain from eating onions. They believe that this ‘tamasik’ tatwa cause a hindrance in their worship of God. From a social perspective, the consumption of strong tasting and highly aromatic foods such as onions can lead to body odours which are both unsociable and disrespectful to others. (CNF)