Health hazards

Shocking and stunning is the report of the CAG on Jammu Municipal Corporation’s non-implementation of solid waste management programme for which funds were committed by the Government of India under the 12th Finance Commission Award. Nearly 7000 tonnes of municipal solid waste is being dumped by Municipal Committees of the Jammu district in open space, on river banks and nullahs every year thereby putting human health at risk and polluting the nearby water bodies. More than seventy per cent of Jammu population is drinking contaminated water and breathing polluted air. The modern system of disposal of garbage is a remote cry. Rank inefficiency and negligence on the part of municipal functionaries are responsible for this state of affairs. That is an enigma people want to understand. NGOs concerned with environmental cleanliness and ecological maintenance should earnestly take up the question of scientific disposal of garbage and refuse in the city. Inefficiency and complacency cannot be allowed to continue where health and happiness of the people are put to hazards.