Heavy hand of law

In a joint operation conducted by Doda police and 10 Rashtriya Rifles at Leddri forests in Dachchan area of Kishtwar, the forces have won the prized head of a mastermind of September 7, 2011 blast at Delhi High Court in which 14 persons were killed and scores of others injured. After cordoning off the area where suspected terrorists were hiding, and then challenging them to lay down arms and surrender, the security forces found that their effort of capturing the terrorists alive was not going to materialize. In particular the forces had tried their best to capture Aamir Ali Kamaal alias Aamir alias Akram son of Ali Mohammad Kamaal R/o Kitchloo Mohalla, Kishtwar alive as he was the prime accused in the Delhi High Court blast, and could have revealed the full story of the conspiracy. But he continued to rain bullets and thus had to be liquidated alongwith another accomplice, Mohammad Shafi Hajam code Saqib of Marwah, Kishtwar. The third accomplice, Rizwan, has been caught alive. NIA wants four more terrorists including two of them the Pakistani nationals who are active in Kishtwar-Doda range for several years. According to police sources in Jammu, the two hiding Pakistani terrorists were the main persons who conducted the blast in Delhi High Court and Aamir Kamaal had provided them logistical support in their deadly mission.
Jammu police authorities had been working at the unravelling of this conspiracy right from the day when the blasts occurred in Delhi High Court Complex on September 7, 2011, and had been gradually zeroing in on the Hizbul Mujahideen outfit in Doda-Kishtwar region. Their efforts were crowned with success two days back when, pursuing a clue, they laid siege to the area and challenged the militants. It is learnt that earlier once or twice the security forces were close to getting the terrorists but the latter managed to give a slip.  Obviously in such cases, security forces try their level best to catch the culprits alive so that in the course of intense interrogation they reveal the full story of the conspiracy and the persons involved in it.
This event makes many revelations that need to be taken into account. The terrorists (HuM) continue to have a strong base in the Doda-Kishtwar mountainous range where secure hideouts are available and the escape routes to Bhadarwah, Chamba, Srinagar and Reasi over the Pir Panchal range can be made use of in times of emergency. Secondly, the terrorists have succeeded in obtaining the support of some of the anti-national locals who provide them safe haven, logistical support and also work as guides to show them secure paths. These traitors have to be brought to book.  Thirdly the ultras operating in Doda-Kishtwar range continue to keep the communication line over the Pir Panchal secured for supply of arms and ammunition. This link will have to be traced to the Mughal Road and then the border district of Rajouri. Besides, the Semthan link to South Kashmir Valley is also available to them. It will be noted that Kishtwar-Doda is enjoying peculiar strategic location very conducive for carrying on terrorist activities. It provides hideouts on mountain heights not easily accessible and it also provides secret routes and connectivity. That two of the four terrorists at large are Pakistani nationals is not a surprise. The strategy of the subversives is that a group of 8-10 local ultras is placed under the command of one or two Pakistani terrorists who not only prompt local terrorists to make adventures in subversion and  bomb blast and firing but also keep an eye on their group lest any of them betrays the group. These subversive groups remain closely connected to their mentors within the boundaries of the State or outside through advanced communication system that is provided to them by their ISI handlers.
The Doda police and affiliated paraphernalia as well as the Army personnel all deserve three cheers for their courage, dedication to duty and their professional efficiency in combating the terrorists and gunning them down. These hardcore criminals do not deserve any sympathy. Exemplary punishment has to be meted out to them so that others take a lesson and peace loving citizens find security of life. The heavy hand of law will not spare anybody determined to destabilize law and order in the State. The long arm of law will not spare them. The Army has taken all precautionary measures to prevent infiltration at the LoC. We know that some cases of infiltration will still happen and these will be taken care of. Pakistani subversives should understand that fuelling armed insurgency against India has begun to boomerang on them. The Frankenstein is looking at its originator with an eyeball to eyeball stance. India will beat back the insurgents as she has done in three wars fought so far. Of course, India is now face to face with another much more distressing threat and it comes from a prospect of gradual dismemberment of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Indian policy planners must chalk out contingency plans to meet the threat from a falling and fragmenting Pakistan.