Heritage awareness walk organized

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 21: The Center for History & Culture of Jammu & Ladakh Region in collaboration with INTACH, organized Heritage awareness walk to Surinsar as a part of World Heritage Week.
The Heritage trip was flagged by Prof Posh Charak, Dean Research Studies and IAS Hemant Sharma.
S M Sahni, Convener – INTACH Jammu Chapter, spoke about the significance of World Heritage Week while Prof. Anita Billawaria, Director & resource person, threw light on history & culture of Surinsar and evolution of Jammu school of painting.
Dr Sanjay Sharma spoke about Natural Heritage Conservation. Abhimanyu, Director Communication County, enlightened students on Scientific Secretes of Indian traditional practices.
About 60 students, including research scholars from History Department, Buddhist Studies, Environment Science and Life Long Learning, participated in the walk.
Those present on the occasion, included Ranjit Kalra, Dr Kavita Suri, Dr Sonia Jasrotia, Anuradha Seth, Dr Aruna Sharma and Sukhmani Kour.