“Hichki is a dedication to all teachers”

Bollywood’s senior actress Rani Mukerji is returning to films after four years. The actress, who is strongly rooted to Bengal, was present in Kolkata recently at an award function when and she spoke about her upcoming film Hichki,  slated to hit the big screens on Mar 23.  Souvik Ghosh catches up with her
Do you have any hichki in life?
My hichki (hiccups) was that I used to stammer in my childhood days. So I overcame my stammering and became an actor. I think we all have hiccups in life — but the beauty of life is there is no life without hiccup — and one has to get over it.
What is special about the film?
Sometimes some films come which not only entertain us  but also educate us as well, and also leave a message. (The film has been inspired by American motivational speaker  Brad Cohen who in his book Front of The Class had detailed on Tourette Syndrome, a common neuropsychiatric disorder of childhood, characterized by multiple motor tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic.)
What special message is there in the film?
The film is a dedication to all the teachers who have shared so much knowledge all their life and (teaching is) the most noble profession. So all teachers, children and parents should go and watch the film. The film is for the entire family. It will be easier for children to watch as all examinations are getting over by 23rd (Mar 23). I am sure the audience will have a good time.
Are you looking to work in Bengali films?
Obviously I will work if I get a good story.
How do you feel to receive Aparajita awards 2018?
My mother is very happy that I have got the award. For her, everything starts with Bengal and ends with the state. I feel warm and I welcome receiving the award from my own state, that too just before the release of Hichki.
What do you think is more important for an actor’s success?
I think one should know why one is in acting. Is one there for love of acting or for other things that come with it- like a good life, travels, etc. that come with acting in Hindi films. One has to love his or her craft.                      (IBNS-TWF )