Hike in diesel, LPG

Hike in diesel, LPG
This has reference to the news item ‘Oil Ministry for hike in diesel, LPG prices’ DE July 25.
The increase in diesel and LPG prices as is being mooted by the Oil Ministry will hit hard Indian people who are already reeling under high inflation and price rise of essential commodities. The failure of monsoon this year has added to the woes of poor masses who find it difficult to meet square meals.
It is accepted that these two commodities LPG and diesel is presently supplied to people at subsidized price, but the oil companies suffering losses on account of this have to find alternatives to meet the burgeoning losses.
The commonman is not in a position to bear the additional burden. Once prices of diesel are raised, it will hit all aspects of life.

Yours etc…
Amit Verma