Hilly roads in J&K a death trap for passengers: Manohar

Excelsior Correspondent

BILLAWAR, Jan 29: Expressing anguish over Panchayat Dhanuparole road accident of Billawar constituency where five precious lives lost and critical injuries to others, former minister Dr Manohar Lal Sharma, held the LG administration responsible on this tragedy.
In a press statement after visiting Dhanuparole & Bhatodi to meet deceased families today to express his sympathy and solidarity, Manohar Lal appealed the LG administration to sanction Rs 10 lakh ex -gratia to the families of the deceased as most of the persons who died in the tragic accident were the sole bread earners of their respective families.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Manohar said PMGSY Road from Khough to Batodi is in dilapidated condition and need immediate repair as this vital road catering a population of 25000 in this hilly terrain has become death trap for passengers and warned Government if this road was not repaired immediately then they will be forced to launch mass agitation.
“Roads in the hilly areas have, indeed, become death traps,” he said adding that road accidents have consumed more lives than the three decades old militancy has devoured. He asked Government to fix the responsibility of all the tragic accidents in J&K on the erring traffic and road management agencies and bring in accountability to the system.
“We don’t see traffic police at the places they are supposed to be to regulate the movement. But when they spot a VIP movement they suddenly sprout on the roads as mushrooms do in the forest on the first spring thunder,” Dr Manohar said adding that then they want everyone to disappear from the scene just to make way for the VIP.
Manohar said the state and national highways are in a bad shape. The condition of narrow internal roads is worse where frequent road accidents are taking place. Despite tall claims made by the J&K Government, he said, nothing worthwhile has been done to ensure the passenger safety. Though 95 per cent of the total population of J&K is dependent on the road transport, the aspect of passenger safety has been completely neglected.
Dr Manohar drew the attention of the administration towards deficiencies in Health and Education sectors and sought immediate improvement in the Health infrastructure in remote areas and has demanded setting up of PHCs in these areas besides filling up of vacant posts as also stocking of adequate quantity of medicines in the Health institutions.