‘Himayat programme’

That the Prime Minister takes deep interest in issues concerning the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh , especially those concerning the youth, was recently observed when in his monthly programme “Mann Ki Baat” he was all praises for ‘Himayat Programme’ associated with skill development and self- employment scheme, with which are connected those youth in the age group of 15 to 35 years who, due to one or the other reason, could not complete their studies in Schools and Colleges. The Prime Minister duly noticed the zeal and the confidence demonstrated by such youth with intent to forge ahead in life. Not only that, those few, whom he even named from Doda, Anantnag and Kargil who have excelled in the said programme, must feel more encouraged to do still better and continue marching ahead creating and setting examples for others to follow suit. That the Prime Minister is vastly and enormously interested in the all-round economic development of the twin Union Territories including the unemployed youth to emerge self-reliant and lead a dignified life, must open the closest mind-set of those misled and disarrayed youth in the Union Territory who still sailed in two boats of indecisiveness and elusions .
It may be reiterated that the entire scenario of Government jobs as the only source of earning livelihood has, over all these years, undergone irreversible changes that of constant dip in jobs creation, increasing number of educated youth preferring and vouching for lesser jobs in the Government run departments and agencies and the like but there being very vast scope in skill development and related self employment opportunities also having a very wide market and demand , the unemployed youth must avail of the opportunities under such programmes as the one under reference. Agood number of youth , say over 18000 have been trained in 77 different fields and trades over the last few years out of which a sizeable number were working at different places while some others had taken to self employment ventures. This aspect was not only duly mentioned by Prime Minister NarendraModi but appreciated as well saying , “This will gladden the countrymen and their success stories touch my heart.”
How much enterprising and zealous the youth of the twin Union Territories have emerged, can be gauged by the fact that one such person had set up a unit in as far a place as in Tirpur Tamil Nadu , the promoter until a year ago was living in a small village in Kargil in Ladakh. That clearly shows as to how much promising and enterprising the youth of these two UTs were. Himayat Programme could open more vistas than envisaged if more than one formed an enterprise and by forming groups , they could touch heights of success and achievements as partnership firms and the like. Expansion of their enterprises could never get hampered due to finance as almost all lending institutions would gladly lend their support at affordable cost of funds. As compared to Government jobs, therefore, not only was there more freedom and autonomy but also avenues of rising in fortunes commensurate with the quantum of input efforts . Success stories of Fatima of Kargil, Fiaz Ahmed of Doda and Rakib-ul- Rahman of Anantnag district in Kashmir were known and heard on the radio by the countrymen through PM’s ‘Maan Ki Baat’ which was not an ordinary thing.
This country is overwhelmed by the young and the coming decade and thereafter belongs to them and in this connection, the PM appreciated the youth for believing in the system and questioning it when the same does not respond to them properly. They hate disorder, anarchy and dislike casteism, nepotism and favouritism not to speak of their dislike for recent acts of violent protests in a few university campuses over Citizenship Amendment Act and proposed NRC. However, the onus lay squarely and overwhelmingly on the political leadership over using and yoking the gullible youth for scoring cheap political gains and ambitions.