HoD CVTS GMC attends conference at Lucknow

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 27: Dr. Noor Ali, HoD CVTS Department GMC, Jammu delivered four scientific lectures on different topics of the CTVS surgeries at Lucknow in the 62th Annual Conference of Indian Association Cardiac Thoracic Surgeon (IACTS).
In the conference, cardiac surgeons of different parts of the world were present and had detailed sharing of experiences of various specialties. The first paper presented was about the management of cancer of Food pipe which lies in the vicinity of the the heart and lung in the thoracic cavity also various factors which can cause this disease were also highlighted.
Second Paper presented was about the various factors having influences over the replacement of valves especially the multiple valve likes such as Left sided valve and Mitral/Aortic valve (DVR). This paper was selected as one amongst the best 30 papers accepted for the conference, and shortlisted for prize winning session. It is pertinent to mention that probably our State was represented by our Institute has all the four papers presented in the conference belonged to the Department of CTVS. The fourth paper was Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) causing narrowing of the left sided Heart Valve (Mitral Valve). Thus disease is more common in people with low socioeconomic status
Actually this disease, occurs in a person who gets recurrent sore throat infection and fleeting joint pain during early child hood. This disease can be prevented by proper checkup and course of Antibiotics.
In order to prevent this dieseases school going children should be properly treated for sore throat which is very common and people often neglect this being treating as a routine matter.
Dr. Noor Ali, was selected by Indian Association Cardiac Thoracic Surgeon as life member and for this he was awarded certificate.