Holy Devika

Apropos to the ‘Holy Devika’ published in  DE  July 10, 2014. The detailed write up about Devika is praise worthy and writer deserves kudos for the same. State and Union Government must take the cognizance of  the glaring problems pointed out about Devika. The legendry accounts hold the belief that Devika is the elder sister of Ganga Ji and started flowing during the concluding period of eighteenth Dwapura. In view of existing baulis at Devika ghat it is felt that despite urbanization and increase in population the water table of Devika is not much depleted.
Productivity of aquifers is not deteriorated for further water harvesting. Fresh water could be tapped by creating bore wells at Devika ghat and recharge by rain water could be managed site specific. The Holy kunds if made available with fresh water could provide great relief to the devotees who hold a great reverence for Devika.
Yours etc…….
Ayodhya Nath Kerni
Housing Colony, Udhampur