This is in response to the article titled , ” Working for home from home ” by Avanti Sopory. I fully agree with non – economical but an outstanding job performed by a home maker.This is not because I’m female but because I truly believe that like all other jobs , home making too is an important job. I believe house becomes home with the love and support of all the members and thus the home, is the responsibility of all irrespective of gender. I believe that it is duty of all us to make male child responsible for household activities. My mom is working and my father renders full help in all work not because he is retired from job but he gave his help even when he was working . He knows every work from washing utensils to making chapati or from dusting to gardening. I still remember , whenever I came from outside he asked me – Khana daal du ? This very attitude he got from his father who taught him every work of home during his childhood. Even my brother and my some male friends help their mothers in their work. I think this very attitude develops when we don’t associate household activity with feminity or masculinity and consider it responsibility of all. I really hope my future partner too possess this attitude. Charity begins at home, so make your family responsible and sincere towards this very thought. And above all, females too have to recognize their worth that they are ” Home maker ” who makes homes.
Yours etc….
Sakshi Sharma
Trikuta Nagar.