Home Ministry reviews Amarnath Yatra security

Home Ministry reviews Amarnath Yatra security
Home Ministry reviews Amarnath Yatra security

NEW DELHI: A high-level meeting was today held here to review security preparedness for the Amarnath Yatra beginning next month in Jammu and Kashmir.

The meeting was chaired by Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi with Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police K Rajendra, CRPF DG K Durga Prasad, senior officials of BSF and the Home Ministry participating. It discussed threadbare the deployment of central security forces and other arrangements to keep the yatra safe.

The 48-day yatra is scheduled to commence on July 2 from the twin routes of Baltal in Ganderbal district and Chandanwari in Anantnag district.

Officials said the police and paramilitary officials briefed Mehrishi about the communications set up, route deployment and other logistical details that are being put in place for the safe voyage of pilgrims in the annual yatra.

They said the officials also discussed the contents of a video in which Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani warned of more attacks on security forces, Sainik colonies and separate settlements for Kashmiri Pandits but had said that they would not attack the yatra. (AGENCIES)