Homeland only solution to end genocide of KPs: PK

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 9: Reiterating its demand of separate homeland for seven lakh Kashmiri Hindus within Valley with Union Territory status, Panun Kashmir (PK) today appealed the community people to strengthen the organization as the homeland was the only answer to their all miseries and hardships.
The PK, which launched its fifth phase of door to door awareness campaign among the displaced Hindus to accelerate the struggle for homeland and Martyrs Day to apprise them of the abysmal and desperate condition of Kashmiri Pandits putting up in Jagti refugee camp and other camps asked the community to intensify the struggle for the cause.
Today’s campaign was started from Barnai and Bantalab areas near here under the leadership of Daya Krishan Kaul vice chairman PK.
Addressing the displaced Pandits, Mr Kaul reiterated the demand of homeland for the seven lakh KPs living an exiled life for over last 23 years. He said the open threats given to KP youth in Kashmir appointed under PM’s package and despondent conditions of   displaced Pandits putting up at Jagti concentration camp, other camps and rented accommodations clearly vindicates the Margdarshan resolution adopted by PK which was endorsed by the community in 1991 that a separate homeland with UT status be established on the North East of Kashmir Valley with free flow of Indian Constitution and Indian nationhood to reverse the religious cleansing and genocide of KPs.
The other PK activists who participated in the awareness campaign included S K Handoo, Sanjay Raina (Trali), B L Koul, S K Gadoo and Sohan Lal Kaul.
The PK also made an appeal to entire KP community to join the protest rally on Martyrs’ Day at Press Club to pay tributes to Martyrs who laid down their lives for national cause and also show solidarity with Jagti camp dwellers. It also reiterated its appeal to the community that September 14 be observed as Black Day by availing mass causal leave, closing business establishments and wear black badges.
The meeting termed the curtailing of power and water supply to Jagti camp a grave human rights violation adopted by the Government to force the refugee Pandits to succumb so that their voice of justice is chocked which will not be tolerated at any cost.