Homoeopathy system of medicine

Dr Satish Kumar Attri, Dr Neema Verma
10 April is observed as World Homoeopathy Day. Dr.Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy, was born on this day in 1755, at Saxony in Germany
Homoeopathy as the word literally means is ‘Homo’ means similar, ‘eo’ means symptoms of the patient and ‘pathy’ means suffering ; originally a German word and coined by none other than the father of homoeopathic medicine, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann an allopath who laid foundation of a new science Homoeopathy, whose birth anniversary happens to be on April 10.
Dr. Hahnemann, a physician himself who sought to think differently had observed that if there is a substance which produces a set of symptoms in an individual when given to the same patient in a more refined, and diluted form gets rid of the disease and the similar symptoms that patient is suffering from. That is what homoeopathy is based on i.e ‘likes treats like’. The other characteristic of homoeopathic medicines is that though they are made from different sources like vegetable kingdom, minerals, chemicals, compounds, healthy tissues, infected tissues, the source is always in the form of the existing substances available in nature. This system of medicine has stood the test of time since it was commissioned for the cure of patients in 1790, because it has been able to adapt to the demands and the intrinsic worth, credibility of the principles are close to the human metabolism and understands the wisdom of the symptoms expressed by the human body. The human body is a wonderful organism and has an innate capacity of self-preservation. Whenever it sees that there is something harmful which seems to gain its way into the system the immune system rises to the task and expels, neutralizes the harmful substance. But in certain circumstances the internal mechanism is under duress of the harmful agent and the disease sets in. This is when the system in its wisdom cries for help in the form of symptoms. These have to be corroborated by the Homoeopathic Physician in seeking the most similar drug and since internal protective force of the body responds to it and wakes up to the call it subdues the disease and its symptoms. Though there is no active ingredient of the drugs the homoeopathic medicines wake up the slumbered immune system into activity through the similar symptoms. The better part of this system is that there are no known side effects of the treatment.
Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, was a Renaissance genius who was skilled in many fields: he was a master pharmacist, a skilled linguist and translater who was fluent in seven languages, and the forerunner of today’s natural healers who promote a natural diet and healthy lifestyle. He could also be called the first psychiatrist, because he was the first person in modern times to promote the humane treatment of the mentally ill as well as curing them with his remedies. Decades before Koch and Pasteur, he understood the principles of contagious illnesses and successfully treated the deadly epidemics which ravaged Europe in the first half of the nineteenth century. Hahnemann could even be considered a pioneer of modern public health and sanitation measures.
In Jammu & Kashmir Homoeopathy was officially accepted and recognized by the Government in 2003 with the efforts of the Health Minister of that time Ch.Lal Singh by presenting and passing off the bill in J&K legislative assembly to form Board for Homoeopathic System of Medicines and legalizing practice of homoeopathy.
Being the second largest system practised all over the world, still there are many misconceptions about homoeopathy. Prevails. Most of the times criticism about the system is made by non-homoeopathic and non-medical people. Even among the non-homoeopathic medical brethren homoeopathy is misunderstood or it is not taken to that level of understanding. Awareness about homoeopathy is restricted only to the beneficiaries of it. So as qualified practising homoeopaths we felt that it is our duty to clarify the common myths prevailing in the society about homoeopathy.
* Myth: Homoeopathy is a slow system. It takes long time to cure or relieve the diseases
Fact: Homoeopathy is not a slow system but cure and relief depends upon at what stage the patient approaches for homoeopathy treatment . In case of chronic diseases it will take a lot of time. Earlier the approach and faster the relief is the rule.
* Myth: Homoeopathy is only for chronic ailment and not effective in diseases requiring immediate treatment.
Fact: Except few medical emergencies which require immediate hospitalization and speciality care, homoeopathy can treat acute cases like dengue fever, Diarrohea, flu, symptoms etc effectively with instant relief
* Myth: Homoeopathy medicines contains steroids and heavy metals.
Fact: In homoeopathy there is no place for steroids, since all the source materials undergo process of potentisation and trituration. After this there won’t be even a trace of crude metal elements in it. Homoeopathic pharmacies have strict standardization and quality control systems before delivering medicines to the consumer.
* Myth: Homoeopathy can’t be used with other conventional medicines
Fact: Around 60% of patients who approach homoeopathy will be already taking some or other medicines for different ailments like Diabetes, Hypertension, CKD; so it is not a constraint to use conventional medicines along with homoepathy. If really there is some interactions homoeopathy doctor will give the instruction how much time should be given between both medicines.
* Myth: self medication in homoeopathy in harmless
Fact: Very wrong idea. Each and every homoeopathy drugs has its wide range of action and application. so just knowing few drugs by its name without knowing its pharmacology will cause unwanted side effects in long duration.So it is always wise to consult a homoeopathy doctor to start the treatment.
* Myth: Homoeopathy doesn’t require any diagnosis and investigation in treating diseases
Fact: Like other systems homoeopathy also requires proper diagnosis and investigations if needed in a particular case.
* Myth: Too many restrictions in food and lifestyle habits while taking homoeopathy treatment
Fact: Restrictions always come as general management to a particular disease. Eg.Avoiding sweets in diabetes and avoiding oily and fried food in patients having high cholesterol levels.Avoiding strong coffee and strong smelling balms,smoking immediately after taking medicines will help faster action of homoeopathy medicines.
At present, in India, homeopathy is the third most popular method of medical treatment after Allopathy and Ayurveda. As per WHO it’s the second most accepted system of treatment worldwide. There are over 200,000 registered homeopathic doctors currently, with approximately 12,000 more being added every year.