Savita Gupta, the proud daughter of Jammu brings great honour to her hometown by being elected as Mayor of South Delhi Municipal Corporation. This is the first time when a Jammu daughter has been able to step into public life at the prestigious position of Mayor of the capital city. A BJP nominee, she defeated her Congress rival by comfortable 20 vote lead. She was already elected as Corporator thrice in the past but this time she made it to the place of pride. Hers is yet another solid example to prove that there is no dearth of talent among the youth of the State. But two things matter; one is their personal ambition and aspiration and the second is that of an opening and exposure. In her new avatar, Savita will have space to reach wider sections of people in the capital and work with broader networks that cater to the improvement of life in the capital city. She is well poised to be in the forefront of political leadership of her party. While she has unending commitments and business with her local constituency, we expect her to find time to chastise her party colleagues in Jammu on the matter how they have let the people down particularly those who have all along remained closely linked to the party. We hope she will inspire the local BJP in Jammu and stop them from mutual mud-slinging spree.