Honouring civilians

This has reference to the news item ‘In a first, Ladakh civilians get  bravery award from Army’ DE,  Jan 24.
It is a laudable step that Army has honoured three civilian from Ladakh region for their exemplary courage and devotion to duty. The move will certainly strengthen military civilian bond in the region. The cooperation between the two segments is in the national interest. Besides, honouring civilians will inspire others as well in this task.
Army has been extending all possible help to civilian when they are in great trouble either due to natural or manmade calamities. It is the duty of the civilians to reciprocate whenever need arises.
The three civilians have put before others an excellent example of courage and bravery.
This example needs to be emulated whenever any such occasion arises.
Salute to Indian Army and the brave sons-of-the soil.
Yours etc…
Kamlesh Jamwal
Kalu Chack,