Weekly Horoscope

This Week For You

Aries : Jupiter foretells you that your career should expand your horizon of thinking. It is important to learn new things and specialize in something you are passionate about. You can even turn your passion into business now. Though you cannot expect smooth sailing. You will be doing well but while making some bold moves there will be some losses that are not avoidable. You will need to think creatively to manage your finances and get through such loss. Saturn will force you to make a reality check at the beginning of this week as your beloved one will be making some pretty serious demand. Challenges of various sorts could come your way but spare time to chill out and regroup. This week, you are doing fine health-wise both mentally and physically but at times your erratic lifestyle may be affecting your energy levels. This week will be favorable to learn new skills and to add variety in your knowledge as the impact of Mercury will bring some mental stimulation.

Taurus : Your mental powers will be at peak indicates Mercury this week. Your flexibility will be the key of success and it will be seen in the best possible light. If you are in business, this could be the most hectic yet highly productive phase. This week will help you build your bank balance faster as you will earn more. During this phase, you will profitably buy real estate or land or any commercial property. If you are single and looking for love, Venus will bring some good opportunities as you will radiate energy like never before during this week. Excessive work or excess travelling can undermine the health status this time around. The stars advise you to constantly monitor your dietary habits. You need to withdraw from all the trivial matters and make yourself focused on your studies only as the stars this week will demand extra efforts.

Gemini : You should realize many opportunities for gain this week as something new and positive is headed your way midweek onwards. If you are currently in your business, under the influence of Mars, you will need to work in a much more practical and creative way, and don’t rush too fast for things to get completed. Finances will not be a problem during this week as you will have steady income growth this time around. Venus will bless you with wonderful time in your love life. Suddenly you will be finding that people will be getting attracted towards you. But be careful to choose the people with whom you really connect. Planetary positions will remain favorable for the most of the time of this week and no serious diseases will create problems. South Node may hamper your progress in studies hence you may be required to concentrate more and study for long hours.

Cancer : Jupiter this week will favour you and some new horizons will open for your professional growth. This can be a favorable time for career growth and you can count on promising offers. It will be a perfect time for networking and negotiating new deals if you are doing business. Also, planetary positions seem supportive for increasing earnings. The impact of planets will give an upward push to your finances. Under the influence of Mars, your feelings will be very strong. This week may help you to discover your inner strength and likely to bring some refreshing experiences in your love life. It will be a good phase to learn new subjects and develop new skills in your studies as the impact of Mercury will enable you to make progress. South Node may bring some fluctuations in your health and hence there will be some phases of this week when you feel your energy level low.

Leo : The first half of week will be a period to watch carefully as there will be some excellent opportunities for growth and some teething problems created by the illusive North Node. This week is likely to have marked impact on your career. If you are in business, you will be able to achieve your objective about pushing ahead sales. Most of the period during this week may remain supportive for finance. However, there will be phases during the first half of this week when you will be drawn by some unexpected issues which may require tactful handling of the financial matters. As the week begins Venus will put you at the center of your romantic instincts. The impact of the planets will be empowering all your relationship endeavors during this week. This week may however test your skills and patience both as you might feel pressure of studies. This period will demand strict discipline now to maintain your health.

Virgo : During the first half of this week, there will be some visible opportunities to grab. Jupiter will bring higher elevation, recognition, and honors. A promotion wouldn’t be a surprise either around the mid of this week. If you are doing business, growth opportunities will be pursuing you. You will have good income flow during this week. However, there will be phases when you will be drawn by some unexpected issues which may require tactful handling of the financial matters. There may be some confusions or uncertainty in your relationship during this week and you may not feel very happy about your personal environment due to one or the other issues. Mercury will bring some good opportunities to learn new things and also getting chance for overseas travel or study tour.

Libra: The planetary favour will increase level of goodwill for you during this week. But, as the week progresses Saturn may make you a bit pessimistic. You will need to shake yourself and apply your energies whole heartedly in order to achieve results. Mars indicates that your old immovable asset or investments may bring good financial rewards. Park your spare funds in a safe avenue. Minor cracks can weaken any bond, so ensure that you maintain a smooth flow of communication, and strive to sooth some differences with your mate during this week. You can expect better opportunities for progress in your studies during this week. However, some necessary modification would be essential for you. Your health condition may remain satisfactory during this week. Some minor problems in health are possible, perhaps mostly due to hectic work schedules.

Scorpio : Things are not so favourable at career front as the impact of North Node can be detrimental. From mid of this week, things may turn on positive side but keep your patience intact for a smooth sail. You will see steady improvement in your overall position. Financial gain is seen during this week. Financially whatever you will be doing at this point will lead you to get reasonable success as you have good support of Jupiter. Mercury may help you to understand the equation of your relationship. You need to avoid feelings of possessiveness and doubts. You will experience wonderful intimacy during the ending part of this week. This can be a good week for your studies as well. This week will be much better for your health and fitness. However, you must not take any physical risk here and also be extra careful while driving vehicle..

Sagittarius : Favorable impact of Mars and Mercury may bring some good opportunities for progress in your career. If you are doing business, it may also grant the chances to explore new avenues that you have been waiting from a very long period. It will be a favourable time for your investments hence be ready to take a new leap. It is likely to boost your financial prospects. You may feel gradual relief as your beloved may start getting attracted to you. This may happen in a slow and gradual manner. You must control your frustration this week at any cost. Disturbance caused by the South Node can make your task more challenging in your studies. You need to keep applying patiently. As the week advances, it may bring some important changes mostly positive for your studies. Health wise, you won’t face much problem and your productivity may also increase during this week.

Capricorn : Venus is likely to open new avenues to find higher elevation in your career. However, middle part of week will be a period to watch carefully. There will be some excellent opportunities amid some teething problems around the ending phase of this week. This week may remain progressive for your money matters. You are likely to manage your financial efficiently but, some commitment pressure may keep bothering you. Under the influence of Mars in the beginning of this week, you might experience some discontent. Remember, not to lose your cool as patience is the ultimate road to success. There may be a good opportunity for you to go ahead with regard to the development of new skills, and thus strengthening your position considerably. You are likely to feel fresh as the energy level during this week may remain good.

Aquarius : The impact of Venus and Mercury may remain quite beneficial for your career growth. You will have the support of your seniors, associates and social contacts too. But, if you are doing business in partnership, you may require to keep partner in confidence about your action plan in order to avoid unnecessary issues. The influence of planets will make you highly dynamic and adventurous in your financial dealings. You should make use of this opportunity to enhance your financial status. Love and intimacy will be enhanced this week due to the blessing of Venus. You may develop understanding with your mate through good communication. The stars promise auspicious week for academic development. Favorable planetary aspects will make learning very interesting.

Pisces : From the beginning of this week, Mars could make you impatient and assertive. This kind of an attitude will not take your far in maintaining a healthy professional relationship. If you are in business, clarity of thought will be missing so it would be better for you to postpone new projects. It will make you ambitious and there are chances of taking rash decisions for financial gain. In the absence of clarity, it is imperative to not make important decisions particularly around the middle of this week. The impact of Venus may bring amusements and joy in your life during this week. But this is probably going to be a period filled with emotional challenges for you, suggests North Node. This week do not seem to be favorable for academic progress. There may be some fluctuation in your energy levels and you should not ignore minor ailments as well.