
Tuesday  Aug 20-2013   

Aries : Sometimes, pressure is a good thing, as it brings out the best in you. You will outshine your colleagues in whatever you choose to do. But your expectations may far exceed the outcome. Ganesha asks that you have patience. Results take time.

Taurus : Planning your own milestones and celebrating the success of friends is the agenda for the day. Your thoughts will be progressive in business or at work, and any plans you make will make a rock-solid foundation for your future. Social gatherings and parties will beckon with bubbly and bruschetta.

Gemini : You may come up with a precise understanding of others today, says Ganesha. You will please your sweetheart with both your presence and presents. You will browse through dozens of showrooms for that perfect, and expensive, gift for your beloved. You will also work towards achieving your long-term goals. Ganesha wishes you good luck.

Cancer : Today, you and your soul mate will be rolling in the hay; there will be little time or inclination to do anything else. In fact, you will show such single-minded devotion to the act of rolling as if the future of the world lies in the haystack. Your mind can think of nothing more, and nothing less. The best part is your resilience and your ability to spring back into action when everybody else thinks you are down and out. The best thing for today is to deal with one issue at a time.

Leo : Try and put on some protective gear today ó maybe a suit of armour should do fine, says Ganesha. For, you may find some need for it on this day of mixed fortunes as you miss out the expected and come face-to-face with the unexpected. Manage through the day somehow, since the dayís distress will eventually give way to an evening of ecstasy and a night of pleasant surprises, portends Ganesha.

Virgo : Today, you will be aspire to be a master of your own destiny. You have the ability to see through the faÁade that people put up to shield their true self. You will choose your company wisely and plan for success. Polish your presentation skills and you may need to work an extra bit to get your ideas approved, says Ganesha.

Libra : Ganesha feels the day will be beneficial for you when it comes to transactions with the government. But you already expect that. It is more than likely that public servants will have encouraging and optimistic achievements lined up for their efforts. Your expertise may be put to test and it is your experience that will come in handy.

Scorpio : Ganesha feels that you may be confronted with vital decisions at work. You will need to trust the opinions of your close friends and peers so that you may take informed decisions. Keep your mind away from negative thoughts and delegate responsibilities accordingly. Favourable returns will come from appointing the best possible person for the job, suggests Ganesha.

Sagittarius : It is not your nature to warm the bench, but you will wake up feeling lazy and laid-back today, says Ganesha. This may be due to the fatigue of some recent endeavours. For a change, you will try and delegate your work and responsibility to those around you. Make sure that they you do so wisely as they may not live up to your standards, warns Ganesha.

Capricorn : Plans for expanding business may require you to take risks, leaving you in a dilemma on more than one occasion. In such desperate circumstances, following your instincts can lead you to success, advises Ganesha.

Aquarius : Expect the unexpected today! Success, money, love, whatever it is that you’d lost hope of will suddenly come your way! In the evening, you may catch up with reading, research, discussion or other such activity, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Today is a day of mixed fortunes. So, while you may not win a gazillion dollars in the daily lottery, you might just end up winning a return air ticket to Timbuktu. No one has really been there, but it is better than nothing. However, the distress of those lost dollars is likely to be eased by the ecstasy awaiting you in the evening.