
Wednesday  Oct 25-2017

Aries : Your work and family will vie with each other for your attention. Merry-making will seem a good idea in the evening. Your desire for name and fame will meet with success shortly, maybe even today! Ganesha showers his blessings on you.

Taurus : You are likely to stick to basics instead of letting your imagination run wild today, says Ganesha. At work, you may feel some pressure from your peers to do things differently. Think things out and be certain before you take any decision, advises Ganesha.

Gemini : A day of conflicting emotions awaits you. Your personal and professional life will both be important. Hence you will experience anxious moments as you try to balance the demands made by both. However, the good news is you will succeed in your attempts and will do justice to all your duties, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will be quite sharp at work, and equally penetrating in the matters of the heart. Though, you may temporarily lose focus, your mind will bring you back to the real world. You will work at a break-neck speed, only to be able to spend as much time as possible with your sweetheart.

Leo : You will exercise your will today and will be in the mood to soar like a free bird today. You will not be in the mood to listen to anyone. Work related travel will be beneficial. Guard against ego clashes in personal relationships, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Contemplating on past successes will help you gather the resources for achieving more of it in the near future. New contacts will help you make considerable headway on the road to success. Ganesha says your amiable nature will help you in getting along easily with people.

Libra : Ganesha says that you need to be more careful in your work field as your enemies or your competitors will try to pull you down today. You will have to be very careful in making business agreements or negotiations regarding give and take in the business. You will see your beloved grow distant from you today.

Scorpio : Long pending task of getting your home renovated may begin today. There are a couple of object de art that have caught your eyes and you wish to decorate your home with those artefacts. You may even plan a small celebration to share your home’s new look! A great day indeed.

Sagittarius : You seem to be on a self-appreciation mode today. Grooming, makeover and attracting attention in on your cards today, you make extra efforts to get that glamorous look for your self. And as Ganesha says, it will surely not go unnoticed as you bag a lot of compliments for it. One of the fortunate days in store for you!

Capricorn : You regret spending hefty amount of money on branded items and luxuries, but you’ll see a say of hope today, feels Ganesha. Your bank account is strengthened by some heavy cash flow, and needless to say, it will give you a great relief. Now, you’ll understand the value of money and curb on your urge to spend lavishly. Your work place will make you feel more comfortable.

Aquarius : Today is your day! Your performance will speak for itself and everyone at work, including bosses, will appreciate your efforts, says Ganesha. Work will not seem burdensome any more, in fact you will enjoy your job like never before. You may wish to contact some old friends and be in touch with them once again.

Pisces : A good day for those looking for romantic liaisons, says Ganesha. You will seek the company of your sweetheart to fight feelings of solitude and boredom today. Those who are single ought to strike gold, considering how Lady Luck will be grinning at the efforts you make to win over your love.