
Friday Nov 24-2017

Aries : Today is just another busy day. You may remain hassled sorting out problems at office and then at home. Your bosses may allow you certain concessions and this will ease things to some extent. Ganesha says you will gain valuable guidance from elderly people.

Taurus : This day, you can’t afford to take chances with your health, says Ganesha. If there is the least sign or symptom of illness, go consult a doctor straight away. As you are going to be unusually prone to injuries and infections, it is advisable that you stay at home. Over exertion is bound to weaken you and affect your physical condition. If physical work is unavoidable, stick to light and effortless things.

Gemini : An occurrence from the past will become a cause of worry for you today. You will also be concerned owing to the deteriorating health of the elders in your family. You will encounter medical expenses. The later half of the day should see your worries abate somewhat, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You may have a way with words, but women somehow always have their way with you. Your problem is that while you may use your words to pull some strings, the master puppeteer, in most cases, will be a woman. So, to keep yourself happy, you may have to make the concerned woman happy.

Leo : You will accomplish all your tasks with courage today. As a result of which, the efforts you have made in the last few months will now bear fruit. You need to make a schedule of the tasks you need to tackle today. You need to guard against over-stressing yourself, otherwise your health could suffer, says Ganesha.

Virgo : You will find your banal day-to-day routine work to be very irritating today, says Ganesha. Avoid the tendency to exaggerate things out of proportion. You will not, however, let anything impact on your enthusiasm to work. You will do something novel to win the appreciation of people.

Libra : Ganesha says your uniqueness will be the focus of attention and praise today. Your undertaking of various tough tasks and completing them today will showcase your business acumen. You will show your inclination to the finer arts like music and dance. Those of you who may have thoughts about doing varied things maybe able to put those thoughts into actions today. Ganesha wishes you success in all your endeavors

Scorpio : It’s business time and shock your competitors with the launch of the new product. However, stars are not aligned in a favourable way, which indicates that you may come across some hurdles. Take your time, sort out the troubles and go ahead with your launch with much fanfare and celebrations

Sagittarius : You have the knack of cut those troubles into small slices and gobble it up. You are the one who would not run away from problems, but face it. Good news from far away land may please you and make your day!

Capricorn : You are witty and wise. With your extraordinary vision and intelligence you will help many their career and later, thanks to you, they will be near to their goals. Whenever some dark clouds of reality hover above your head, you know how to find the silver lining and get out of a problem. If you are handling a project, you will bring it to its successful completion today, foretells Ganesha.

Aquarius : Your communication skills will work wonders today. Your eloquence will win you precious brownie points, and may prove highly beneficial in meetings. In fact, all your arguments will sound very persuasive. The trick is not to get ruffled, says Ganesha, when people don’t agree with you.

Pisces : You will delay taking important decisions in the office or regarding business. You will take you time to come to a conclusion and put in all the required thought and this will grant you clarity on all the issues at hand. While this will be great for you, Ganesha advises you not to make hasty decisions regarding your personal life.