
Saturday sept 28-2013

Aries : Today you will have an eye for beautiful and outlandish things. There is a possibility that you may even contemplate starting a business related to these things. Ganesha feels, though, that you will not be able to reach any conclusion about it. But you will keep the option open.

Taurus : You can expect a pleasant, comfortable day at the office, today, so says Ganesha. You will be carrying out your work cheerfully and effortlessly. You could, later in the evening, have a strong urge to go out for dinner with your family and friends. If that does happen, youíre certain to go for an after dinner movie, or an ice cream treat. The day promises you lots of fun and amusement.

Gemini : Today will be a day filled with energy and enthusiasm. You will have an optimistic view of life and this will help you attain success. You will be able to exercise your free will and take up tasks to your liking. While the day will be busy, it will also be rewarding, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Lack of support from family members will disable your efforts. Children also disappoint you. Discord or difference of opinion in family is indicated. Beware of neighbours. Yet, says Ganesha, face circumstances with a smile.

Leo : You will be filled with extraordinary self-confidence today. You will be able to take firm decisions when it comes to work related issues. You will not face any difficulties in completing your tasks today, and will achieve success. You need to guard against getting into any confrontations with your father or other elders, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Take a little break today, and spend some time looking within. At your office there may be some bitter confrontations, so Ganesha advises you to be very careful and try to prevent things form getting too difficult. In matters of love, a new romance may develop. Ganesha says you may enjoy a peaceful evening with friends.

Libra : Ganesha says the inner artist in you will come to the surface today and you will showcase your imagination powers too. You will be able to focus on topics of interest today. Those of you in the field of interest will find themselves moving ahead. There may be signing of beneficial legal deals today for you. Ganesha says today is going to be a very good and successful day for you.

Scorpio : According to Ganesha, you will be soaked in your work today. During the day, you may be loaded with duties and responsibilities, however, evening has a different story to reveal. Exciting as ever, a get away with friends may be liberating and relaxing.

Sagittarius : You are caught in a whirlpool of emotions, predicts Ganesha. You may come across many ups and downs today. However, nothing seems to deter you from your determination and dedication towards work.

Capricorn : You can’t bear the weight of the heavy work load any more. Very cleverly, you will complete your tasks and slowly but steadily you take the load off your shoulders, predicts Ganesha. Attentive and observant, you meticulously plan your actions and minimise the chances of errors. Today, your efforts will not be effectively channelised, but it will not be a bad day, also.

Aquarius : You may receive some good news from the foreign shores today. The day will bring on a positive note and it will remain like that for the whole twenty-four hours. Youíll be in a mood to merry and it will be transformed to everyone around you, says Ganesha.

Pisces : A reckless attitude is the root cause of any downfall. Ensure responsible behavior and actions at every step at your workplace, today, suggests Ganesha. Be alert and focused and you will be able to dodge any incoming trouble. Today is a day of materialization and the projects and other things that you have been working on since a long time will draw close to completion and begin to pay off.