
Monday Oct 14-2013   

Aries : You delight in meeting new people, and today you will find yourself mingling with a lot of intelligent people. Ganesha says you will continue to be a perfectionist. Besides this, you will end up spending a huge sum of money on a gift for your beloved today.

Taurus : The day is likely to begin with an upset stomach. You could be in for any kind of problem; acidity, loose motions, cramps or constipation. Ganesha urges you to visit a competent doctor at the slightest sign or symptom of illness. To add to your grief you are to stay depressed and worried on account of family issues. This is not a day when you cannot afford to be negligent or to take chances with anything whatsoever.

Gemini : Financial matters could become a cause of worry. You need to cut down on unnecessary expenses. You could look at investing in real estate. You will spend the evening blissfully with your spouse or partner, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You may make a switch to a new job or get a job offer that you don’t want to deny, predicts Ganesha. You are likely to go on a shopping spree and spend lavishly. In the evening, you will be spending your time and money on your loved ones.

Leo : You will not compromise with your principles today, and will feel satisfied with yourself as a result. However, do not lose your concilatory approach. You need to be practical and businesslike about your professional affairs, says Ganesha.

Virgo : You will feel very agitated about some prickly issues today. Ganesha says there is a likelihood of your joining some sort of a course to improve your personality. There is also a possibility of an intimate conversation leading up to some carnal enjoyment.

Libra : Ganesha says you will be in a nostalgic frame of mind and will love to remember the good memories of the past today. You will be able to sit with like-minded people and will discuss and share your ideas and thoughts. You will share your thoughts on varied topics like philosophy religion etc. Ganesha says it is time you focus on the present and remain joyous instead of trying to think about the past or future.

Scorpio : Ganesha has lot of surprises in store for you today. It’s your time to slowly unravel the mystery, He says. The ball is in your court when it comes to business meetings and professional discussions. Your sense of humour is likely to cast a magic spell on everyone around you, today.

Sagittarius : Love life and your sweetheart are likely to occupy your day. You may build castles in the air! You would like to give your wardrobe a makeover. To sum it up, you and your friends set out on a shopping spree and splurge big time! Make the most of the benevolent day, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : Today, you will sit back and think about the mistakes you have made in the past. At work, you perform like a team player and play an important role in the success of your team. But, your efforts may go unnoticed or may not receive deserved appreciation. It will disappoint you, but you know your worth so youíll not complain about it.

Aquarius : You will become flexible and tolerant in your approach, and this change will enable you to deal with unfavourable circumstances with an ease. You sympathise with the people who bear the brunt of injustice of any kind. You will feel the joy of helping somebody in need today, foretells Ganesha.

Pisces : The day will start well but there will be a sharp drop as it peaks in the afternoon and things may arise that will become a cause of worry. Money might be the primary reason for your stress. There will only be two solutions available to this problem. One will be to cut down on your expenses or else you find a way to increase your source of income. You may be more inclined towards the former option, feels Ganesha.