
Saturday Aug 11-2018

Aries : You may pick up the hammer and chisel today. No, you’re not taking up sculpture; you’re finally giving in to your spouse’s demands to take some home improvement measures. It’s in your interest to be speedy and focused, as you are the guilty party, says Ganesha.

Taurus : There is a strong possibility of receptivity and sensitivity in your love life. On the down side, your negativity may lead to mediocre results. You are a fire-fighter when it comes to others’ problems, but can forget digging a well for your own home, says Ganesha.

Gemini : Emotional and material security will hold equal importance today. You want to be in love, but you know that love can’t buy you dough. In academics, you will be able to solve whatever problems you set your mind on. Your spare time will be spent on devising methods of making the best use of your knowledge. Today, you will make crucial choices concerning higher studies, predicts Ganesha.

Cancer : When the going gets tough, it’s better to go with the flow. But you belong to a school of thought that believes that in such troubled times, it’s better to stay out of water altogether. Since it is not your day today, you are likely to postpone all important decisions and work. Ganesha approves.

Leo : Call it an epiphany of sorts, but today promises to be a day of revelations for you. Finally, things fall into place as your Odyssey nears its end, and you come to terms with your hidden talents, says Ganesha. Follow your heart and dive into the bottomless pool of your imagination. With limitless ideas, and a silver spoon to match your steady hand, you are perfectly poised to act on what you have thought out clearly.

Virgo : You will be in a very ambitious and conscientious mood today. Your actions will speak louder than words. You set the pace with your meticulous planning and careful execution. Ganesha says you may expect a lot of appreciation and recognition for your work coming from your boss and your colleagues.

Libra : Your family is the cornerstone of your success. And today is no different. Your auspicious day starts from your home, and you manage to carry this luck everywhere you go with the same tempo and gusto, predicts Ganesha. Your smile enables you to keep winning people to your side.

Scorpio : You will spend most of the day in self-introspection and in testing your capabilities. You will take all the needed steps to improve your professional proficiency. Your rare insight and gifted understanding of human nature will prepare you for leadership in the near future, hopes Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Variety is the spice of life. Add variety of activities to your daily schedule and nothing would seem boring any more, foretells Ganesha. Indulge in creative activities like writing, cooking, gardening or even reading. Catch up with friends and memories of old times; have a blast!

Capricorn : You will have heard of many emotional fools who let sentiments rule their lives. Try not be one of them, and if it’s too difficult a task, at least pretend not to be one of them, for Ganesha says going by your feelings can leave you at a low ebb. In other words, your feelings can come in the way of your success. A solution to this problem is to remain dispassionate and let the opportunist think you are a hard nut to crack.

Aquarius : You will prove yourself today by staying ahead of your rivals in all ways. You will conquer your frustrations, and will soon be raring to go. Your pleasing demeanour endears you to others and you win admiration from all quarters, says Ganesha.

Pisces : A hectic day of socialising awaits you. You will discover hidden talents and unnoticed traits about yourself. Either that, or whoever brought them to your notice was only lying to get some socialising action of their own. You are a person of action, as well as of words, and hence, will go on to act on what you have planned, says Ganesha.