
Thursday Aug 23-2018

Aries : You have decided to give more importance to your inner voice, and Ganesha feels it’s a good thing. It supports you to strive for perfection in whatever you do. You will remain your sensible and realistic self. A little adventure will not hurt, says Ganesha.

Taurus : Touchdown! Ganesha senses a strong possibility that you will achieve an important milestone today. Emotional well-being is important for physical health. You may spend your evening in the company of like-minded people to indulge in some healthy discussions and musings, feels Ganesha.

Gemini : There are chances that your love life will go through some ups and downs today, warns Ganesha. Care and concern must be the watchwords in the afternoon. You will probably take chances in money matters. Don’t lose your head, keep the faith and get back to your charming self.

Cancer : Today, you will be day-dreaming about your sweetheart. And as the day ends, the dream may come true, predicts Ganesha. In the afternoon, you will handle certain perilous situations with great tact. At work, you will be a live wire and others will be surprised to see your enthusiasm. Ganesha knows it is that dream that has made your day. One can only imagine how it may be like seeing it come true later in the day.

Leo : It is an auspicious time to undertake journey related to business. Religious and educational pursuits will be amply rewarded. The later half of the day will see you divert your attentions in the correct direction to resolve some issues. You will have to take on a lot of mental labour today, says Ganesha.

Virgo : You are as free as a bird today. No strings attached – neither at home nor at work, says Ganesha. This should bode well for your confidence level. But everyone wants to chain Hercules, and the amount of expectations will make you feel so for sure, says Ganesha.

Libra : The Darwinian legacy of the ‘supremacy game’ takes on a new turn for you today. Ganesha expects you to find a progressive and lenient side to yourself later in the day. This will enable you to achieve phenomenal career growth, and make you virtually indispensable in office. ‘Go get them tiger!’ says Ganesha.

Scorpio : A fair-weather day today. Fair winds will help you fare well, says Ganesha. You can hazard to expect astonishing financial gains in business dealings today. Academic learning curve will be exponential today. In spite of all, you remain sensitive and understanding, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Put your feet up and relax today. Ganesha predicts a stress-free, peaceful day. Your concentration might just waver because of some minor issues. But don’t worry, says Ganesha. Your comic side will mesmerise the opposite sex today.

Capricorn : Who wouldn’t enjoy spending fun time with friends? But it’s the hectic work schedule that makes such gathering a rare occasion. You will be fortunate to be in the company of your friends today, says Ganesha. Your love life will blossom too, and your sweetheart will seem today more understanding of your problems than they have been in recent past. Your family will support you in every way, which will make you want to live up to their expectations.

Aquarius : Today, you will devote yourself to something you’ve neglected in the past. And it’s advisable to organise your closet before it falls apart! If nothing, you may spend the day scouring job advertisements, and going for interviews. It’s a busy day whichever way, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Good times are coming your way, and this could be in the form of a promotion or a pay hike, says Ganesha. You will devote time equally between your work and family, taking a little time off to take them out on a leisure trip. Enjoy!