
Monday   Sep 17-2018

Aries : Today, you may want to wear your power suit, says Ganesha. If you notice people bending and bowing a bit, understand that your hard work has paid off! If not, then you need to get more organised. Either way, there’s work to be done.

Taurus : You must learn to get to the root of a routine to keep things fresh today, feels Ganesha. Just learn the basic psychology of people and analyse the facts. All action and decision has a motive, you will need to understand the chain to get the most out of things, advises Ganesha.

Gemini : An extremely productive and fulfilling day awaits you. Alongwith your daily routine, you will also concentrate on your houshold issues. You will feel the need to have someone to call your own. You may find yourself in two minds over things like marriage and partnership. It is a good day to sell something, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will love to stroll in a world of fantasy. Religious impact will prevail over you. You will charter your fantasy to a mysterious level. You will have communion with God at a temple, mosque or church. you will try to draw lessons from your experience.

Leo : You are fond of travelling. You will make plans for a trip or a journey and will include your family and friends in your schemes. For those in artistic fields, you will receive critical acclaim. A progressive day awaits, says Ganesha.

Virgo : It is not the time to rest on your past laurels, and you will have to carry on with your work unabated. You will have to keep your focus steady and remain organised to get the same level of success that you had in the recent past. Ganesha advises you not to neglect your relationships, as they are the cornerstones of your success and tranquillity.

Libra : Ganeshji says that today you shall make your competitors and enemies envious of your success in business. Beware, as they shall try to hurt or put down your reputation in varied ways. Instead of having a fight with them you should try to be politically correct and take care of matters using your intelligence. This afternoon can bring in a new love in your life that will be very good for you.

Scorpio : You are in a dilemma and feel like standing at a crossroads of life. Some important decisions of life need time and that’s what you want right now. However, keep personal life and work separate to avoid confusion and disturbance. As per Ganesha’s advice, it’s all right if decision making takes some time, but avoid taking hasty decisions.

Sagittarius : Your ways to deal with your team mates and colleagues will be strict and disciplined. However, your perfect ways at work will leave them awestruck. Your personal equations will be least affected by your stern ways, says Ganesha. Do not let success go to your head.

Capricorn : A penny saved is a penny earned. Your strong belief in this will make you scrutinise your requirements and rearrange the priority list, so that you know where and how to utilise the resources. Your choice of friends will represent your approach and outlook towards life. Ganesha advises you to choose your friends wisely.

Aquarius : There is nothing like having a good time with your brothers and sisters. Generally, you plan out your routine and activities by yourself, but it is a different day today. Your siblings will make plans for you and you will just go along with the flow, predicts Ganesha. Spontaneity is something new to you, and you will enjoy the change.

Pisces : For those in the creative, marketing or advertising fields, today will likely bring about an important milestone on their path to progress, says Ganesha. Your creativity and ingenuity will be at their peak. Remembering that confidence is the key to success will keep you from shying away from challenges, which when surmounted will bring you substantial gains.