
Sunday Oct 14-2018

Aries : You will feel like going for a little excursion to some place today. It could be to some historical place that you have not visited before. However, Ganesha suggests, in keeping with your responsibility of being a family-man, you should pay heed to the needs of your loved ones. So a trip to the nearest park would be more desirable.

Taurus : Your relationship with your parents is likely to turn sour today, says Ganesha. You need to ensure that differences and misunderstandings and do not creep in between you all. If, at all, that does occur, the best way to sort out issues is talk directly to them. There are chances that you will be too free and forceful in expressing your feelings and emotions. You will be very clear and emphatic and fully aware of your intentions. You will succeed in driving home the point you are making. This is good day for tackling long standing issues.

Gemini : There are indications that you will pay special attention to your food habits today, predicts Ganesha. You may go for an interview or start a new job later in the day. At work, you will get both encouragement and inspiration from seniors. Avoid confrontations with others as current planetary positions make you vulnerable to an emotional outburst.

Cancer : Today is not a good day to conclude deals related to houses or vehicles, foresees Ganesha. You may get less profit than you expected. You are at the threshold of a new relationship, and Ganesha sees this as a long-term prospect. So don’t mess it up.

Leo : Innovation is the key to success. Let that be your mantra today, says Ganesha. Unleash your imagination as you seek creative solutions to help improve your prospects and connect to your work. This shall raise your spirits at work. On a more personal front, Ganesha says you may drain your energy and resources in your attempt to help others. But then, what goes around comes around.

Virgo : The day will transform from being the usual bore to an exciting evening, predicts Ganesha. Afternoon may hit a snag, though, with stress rising alarmingly. But come sunset and all that will evaporate as you enjoy the warm, loving company of loved ones, says Ganesha.

Libra : Ganesha says higher officials at work will shower you with appreciation and praise for your efforts. You may even be able to get a promotion or a pay rise today. There may be intensive arguments with your enemies. New relationships will get a chance to blossom today. Your competitors will be defeated today as it is a success-filled day for you

Scorpio : Social circles will be buzzing with your name and reputation today. At work, you may evoke jealousy in some people, and Ganesha advises you to be extremely cautious. Remember to vanquish the enmity and not your enemies, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : It is very likely that you will pay enough attention to your family members today. Take time out to validate the efforts of others and show consideration when and where required. At workplace, people will admire your honesty. Romance is in the air in the evening, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : Your love will be your priority today, and you will pamper your sweetheart to the hilt, but look to your pockets before you set out to splurge on him/her, says Ganesha. At work, you will show consideration towards your colleagues and shield them in times of crisis. You will come across just as amiable in your social circuit too, and will make efforts to keep those around you amused. All in all, it’s will be a good day for you.

Aquarius : Finally, you realise the importance of thumping others’ backs. Your colleagues welcome your appreciation and are thereafter motivated to do their best. You will find even more ways to create a harmonious environment at work. This earns you respect and gratitude, says Ganesha.

Pisces : You will be in pursuit of educational and intellectually stimulating activities today, says Ganesha. Novel business proposals are likely to crop up in the afternoon. Your magnetism is likely to net you a date later in the evening.