
Sunday   Nov 18-2018

Aries : Expect the unexpected. You may not understand everything that happens, but that’s okay, says Ganesha. Avoid too much activity, as you may be too tired to go out in the evening. Put on your sequins and gloss, the stars predict some music and dancing coming your way!

Taurus : As an administrator, you will command with an iron fist today, predicts Ganesha. In the afternoon, you may find change slowly creeping in; you may discover a more harmonious approach to managing people as compared to a dictatorial style. You will come out with flying colours from any adverse situations.

Gemini : You will be busy involved in planning for and activities related to travelling. Exposure to various types of people and cultures will provide you with food for thought. You need to guard against being arrogant and be humble, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Ganesha says you will win over people with your oratory. So it will speed up your work. In the afternoon, you will get news of monetary gain in the office. Be on the guard, minor ailments may bother you, warns Ganesha.

Leo : You will demonstrate your skills of networking at the workplace today. At the end of the day you will be afforded the help of some friend or colleague to reduce your workload. You will be able to tide through the day easily if you are able to make some compromises, says Ganesha.

Virgo : You will end up spending the whole day at work today, making detailed plans for the future. While taking important decisions, Ganesha says, keep your partner informed. Whenever needed, also take the consent of your family to avoid any misunderstandings in the future. It will surprise you to receive the mature advise of your partner.

Libra : Ganesha says today you will try to master the technical aspects of your work. You will be full of happiness, enthusiasm and vigor today. You may get tensed or feel under the weather towards afternoon. Your hunches will prove right today and you may be able to score a good profit in the share market too. Ganesha advises you to keep your cool

Scorpio : According to Ganesha, you may just be happy basking in the glory of successful business deals. Focus on your target and there’s lot more in store for you on the career front. Sometimes, it’s all right to pamper your beloved with precious gifts, and for this you may end up splurging today.

Sagittarius : The bossy nature of your soul mate is likely to put you off. At work, you may find yourself helpless and left scratching your head. Ganesha advises and foresees you sitting together with your beloved and resolving all your differences.

Capricorn : If you are a civil servant, good times are ahead for you. Also, you may have to deal with the government for your business and it will turn out to be a fruitful transaction, says Ganesha. If you are a lawyer, doctor, or any other professional, you will need to prove you metal and ensure that you utilise the every opportunity coming your way.

Aquarius : You often live in illusion and lose track of reality. Don’t make unrealistic wishes otherwise you will badly get disappointed when you realise how the things are. Be happy with what you have, advises Ganesha. At work, you will have a smooth sailing as your colleagues will be supportive of your efforts.

Pisces : You will be at your wit’s end today, grappling with financial issues. You will decide to multiply your savings and increase your income by whatever means possible. The good news being you will find it easy to implement your new plans and schemes. Your friends could have some vital insights to share with you about your finances, says Ganesha.