Wednesday April 10-2019
Aries : If you are involved in monetary matters, today you will find yourself weighing the benefits. A loan that you have applied for may be sanctioned. Look at a range of choices, says Ganesha, and you will end up feeling very happy about it.
Taurus : This day has been earmarked for beautification, a makeover, says Ganesha. You are likely to remain preoccupied with ways to enhance your looks and appearance. A new, stylish hair do, face packs and massages, trendy outfits and accessories could be in store. You will, subconsciously, be doing all that you can do, to get noticed by others. Be sure you will get all the attention and interest your efforts merit.
Gemini : You will feel blue and out of sorts today. You will feel that you are all alone in the world, emotionally. Your repressed desires and your philosophical streak will come to the fore today and will influence your dark mood, says Ganesha.
Cancer : You will get a surprise gift or god news from your friends or relatives. You will enjoy with your family. You will get the affection and co-opeation of family members. Happiness and rapport in domestic life is indicated. Ganesha’s grace is upon you.
Leo : There are chances of conflict on the home front today. However you will be able to solve these problems owing to your understanding nature. However, these conflicts would likely not have cropped up if you would have paid more attention to your family. You appreciate the wonderful things in life today, says Ganesha.
Virgo : Avoid all kinds of prejudice and do not allow intolerance to enter your mind today, advises Ganesha. In all likelihood, you will look around yourself in search of love and affection. You will do well to keep negativity at bay as otherwise it may cow you down. Ganesha suggests that you marshal all your courage to live as per your convictions.
Libra : Everyone has a dream, but only few have the fortune to realise them. Be among the lucky ones today as you see your dream project materialise and take its first steps towards a successful future. But all good things have humble beginnings. What matters is that you had a dream, and dreaming it was the hardest part, reminds Ganesha.
Scorpio : Today promises to be an exceptional day for those involved in business. With sheer brilliance, you will steer deals right to your door step, and will display great finesse in negotiations and bartering. Bring out the leader in you and take charge when you introduce new products or market them in business, suggests Ganesha.
Sagittarius : To do or not to do? That will be the question for most of today as you find yourself pulling out of one dilemma only to trip into the next one. Controversy will surround you and you may find yourself at the crossroads, where you are unsure of which direction to take. Turn to the wisdom of the experienced for proper guidance, advises Ganesha.
Capricorn : Though less, you will get money from your investments and other resources. Don’t ignore pending projects; complete them at the earliest so that you will have clear picture about your requirements and responsibilities, advises Ganesha. Once you are done with them, you will enjoy happy times with your friends and family in the evening.
Aquarius : You are already overloaded with work. On the top of it, people around you will conveniently put their share of load on your back, and you will take it most of the times. You, however, will not get bogged down by the additional responsibilities. In fact, you will rise to the challenge and perform exceptionally well, leaving your rivals surprised.
Pisces : You are going to be very emotional today. You will be able to express your love to your wife or other loved ones in a very unique and dramatic way. It is not a good day for putting forth marriage or love proposals, and if you do it could be disappointing. Ganesha says that professionally you will be very successful in all tasks.