
Monday April 22-2019

Aries : Ganesha advises you to look before you leap. One hasty decision may undo a lot of hard work accomplished over a long period of time. After a tense morning, you may simply want an evening with kids, helping them grow the Dahlias.

Taurus : There is a strong likelihood of some dispute or misunderstanding cropping up between you and your parents. This, Ganesha assures, could easily be resolved through a positive, meaningful dialogue. You will be clear, coherent and persuasive in your communications. Your ideas and intentions will be easily understood and accepted by others. The day will turn out to be a bright and a pleasant one

Gemini : You have been aching to arrange a family reunion or get-together at your house. Well, today is the perfect day to do it. And why just family? You are also likely to invite some of your close friends and important business associates over to your place. Your spouse will enjoy the company of your loved ones.

Cancer : You are likely start the day in the best of spirits today. Your enthusiasm and cheerfulness will be infectious, and you will be able to lift the mood wherever you go. However, your enthusiasm can be short-lived and pummelled under the weight of some bad news, leaving you distraught. Take a break in case you feel stressed out, advises Ganesha. Things are likely to look up by the time the day ends.

Leo : You will give importance to your work and your style of functioning to get a promotion in the office. You will also increase the amount of work you put in. While the fruits of your labour may not be immediately available to you, in a very short time you can expect to make more gains than you expected to. Nothing worthy of note is likely to occur in your personal relationships today, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Your ambitions and desire to undertake more work will be very prominent today. After working hard all day, try to get yourself some recreation and relaxation, perhaps at a private party, a social gathering or maybe even at a marriage reception, says Ganesha.

Libra : Ganesha says that you will be able to attain a huge benefit because of your nature to take chances. Higher ups in the office will take notice of your skills and ability to work well. Seniors in your office will promote and inspire you to give your best Ganesha says this is not a good time to get into a direct fight with anyone since it will lead to more problems and issues.

Scorpio : Keep your eyes and ears open and believe in only what you see. Remember, believing in rumours may lead to ugly situations. Your efforts to be different and stand out would pay off well, predicts Ganesha.

Sagittarius : The day begins on a bright note and you decide to flaunt your sunny side up, foresees Ganesha. At home front, sharing of work with your partner will keep the home atmosphere peaceful and harmonious. Both of you discover a joy is cleaning and cooking together. A perfect recipe for love!

Capricorn : A good day always begins with a good start. It will be a good day for you today as you will start the day with a positive attitude to life, says Ganesha. Your unremitting dedication and determination will not only put you ahead of others, but will also help you get an edge over them. If tiffs with your life partner are rife, you can expect to a peaceful day, at least for today. But for those who have always been fortunate in this regard, your blissful married life will continue to bring you joy.

Aquarius : Be it about solving financial issues or concerns about income, money matters will keep your mind occupied through out the day. You will have a gala time with your friends later on the day, predicts Ganesha. Not that you don’t value your friends, but today, you will realise how important you are for one another.

Pisces : Today you will feel like sharing you innermost feelings with those that you are close to. You will find yourself communicating better and this will result in attracting intellectual people towards you. You will get an opportunity to work with very educated and well established people. This will result in personal progress at work, says Ganesha.