
Friday May 10-2019

Aries : Ganesha says you are going to have the time of your life; that is if you make the right plans. At work, there will be the usual ups and downs. But plan the evening well and you may surprise yourself. Try candlelights, roses, music…

Taurus : It is quite possible that today, you will remain decisive and determined on new joint ventures, predicts Ganesha. The results may fall below your expectations in the afternoon. Fight off stress with a candlelight dinner with your sweetheart, says Ganesha.

Gemini : There are indications that your aggressive spirit and antagonistic trait will come to the fore today, says Ganesha. This may have a negative effect, but today you can even get away with murder! You will, in fact, get much-awaited good news at the workplace. At home, you will be at your playful and imaginative best.

Cancer : Today, your action will usher in incredible results, thanks to your forthright approach, foretells Ganesha. Later in the day, you may work on self-improvement and personality development. You may make some changes in your house.

Leo : Do not underscore your influence and importance today, says Ganesha. You hold the key to many doors, and hence, your ability to influence people is at its strongest today. In business, this means that you have a major role to play in new deals. But remember that you merely hold the keys, you cannot predict what lies behind each door. So do not let disappointment cloud your mind if outcomes fall below your expectations. In any case, your disappointment shall not last because come evening, the stars take you on a wonderful candlelit dinner with your sweetheart.

Virgo : Perhaps, your artistic talents will shine out today, says Ganesha. You will be very happy with your personal belongings, which you have preserved for years. Later in the day, you may beautify your house by adding furniture and artefacts at appropriate places.

Libra : Ganesha’s got a feeling that today is going to be a good day for you, as you go ahead and indulge yourself and the ones around you. Chances are that you may shop till you drop, and spend a sizeable amount buying goodies for your loved ones later in the evening. In matters of business, Ganesha foresees you displaying your maturity, and setting an example for others in the team.

Scorpio : Self-improvement is on your mind today. Self-employed people should expect good profits in business. Expenditure may be more at work today. At the end of the day, the cocktail of work and family will be a heady, pleasing mixture, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : You juggle between your passion and profession today and try to strike a perfect balance between the two. You are ambitious and will let this know to the world through your work. During the end of the day, you will nurture your talent and passion and feel liberated, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : Nothing in the world can be as comforting as the support of your family members, and you will have that in plenty today, especially if you’re setting out to refurbish your house, says Ganesha. With their support, you can win the world and achieve the impossible, but since everything comes with a price tag — even happiness— get ready to pay for a fat bill; the support of your loved ones won’t come cheap.

Aquarius : Fame and fortune woo you today! And along with recognitions and rewards, you receive encouragement to do even better. Your bosses are pleased, but feel that you haven’t really given your 100%. Head on your shoulders and feet on the ground, says Ganesha, is the best policy.

Pisces : A good day is in the offing, says Ganesha. You are likely to receive news you will be glad to share and celebrate with your family. A few pending deals are likely to be finalised in the afternoon, and there are indications you will need to go off on a short visit for business purposes later on in the day.