
Saturday May 18-2019

Aries : Today you may try to make your loved one happy, and perhaps even try to woo the person in a fresh manner. You may not be too satisfied with your friends and relatives, but, Ganesha says, you can expect to go to a party in the evening and make new friends.

Taurus : Today, Ganesha sees your feelings and emotions running high. There is a strong possibility of an emotional encounter with some close to you. You are likely to be swayed and influenced by the other in course of this meeting. Avoid getting into any kind or dispute or controversy. Confrontation is most likely to have adverse consequences. Later, you will become very nostalgic and lovingly recapture the times spent with your sweetheart.

Gemini : You will be in the mood to spend the day doing the things that you really love. You will consider helping people in need and will be in a generous mood. Your charitable bent of mind will bring you elevated social status and improved self-esteem, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You may face unwanted events and circumstances. As a result you will feel sad. yet you will wriggle out of it with your efficiency. Put in efforts in studies, says Ganesha. remember that in success destiny is one per cent and effort 99 per cent.

Leo : Reinvention and rejuvenation — these are the two words that shall dictate your philosophy for the day. Refurbishing oneself does not always have to be in accordance with something new; taking a look back can be equally enlightening. In any case, it’s a small world, and, hence, chances are that you shall revive most of your old contacts either in a social occasion or an official meeting. Do not discount the importance of reconnecting with your near and dear ones, advises Ganesha.

Virgo : Business and pleasure will be well balanced. Ganesha says you will enjoy the party which will seem endless today. Your monetary outflow will be in direct proportion to the time you spend just lazing around. However, Ganesha advises you to spend sensibly and not to worry about it.

Libra : The theatrical you comes to the fore. Ganesha expects you to put up a show in all that you do today, be it a display of devotion to your work, or dedication to your family. You may give the best in the business a run for their money as you prove to be the perfect choice for all tasks assigned to you. A great day at work, and the right amount of affection towards your spouse and children back home — you sure are perfect today!

Scorpio : Relationships are the crux of life. It’s very important how you make your near and dear ones feel when you are around. Make someone feel special today. Try to sort out misunderstandings if any. Don’t dominate your friends or family members, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : You feel like going back to carefree, childhood days. You even practice that by taking an impromptu pleasure trip, in the outskirts of the city. And bumping into an old pal, reliving your past is like an icing on the cake. As Ganesha says, golden moments are best undescribed and you too, by the end of the day, are speechless for this wonderful day!

Capricorn : Memories of the bygone days will flash through your mind, creating a wave of nostalgia and compelling you to get in touch with old pals. On the other hand, there may be a feeling that your loved ones are demanding more than you can give, says Ganesha. But enjoying some light moments with your beloved in the evening will unburden you and charge you up for the next day.

Aquarius : If the Almighty loads you with pain, He will also bless you with pleasure, assures Ganesha. You will begin the day with a long list of things to be done, but luckily you will be able finish them off one by one. It will drain you out, so later on the day take a hot water bath, sit back and relax, says Ganesha.

Pisces : You are not by nature ill-tempered or jealous. However, you will need to be on guard against being both, today. Someone may try to sully your image or slander your name today. However, the best way to deal with provocation is not to loose your temper and to continue as usual, for things will take care of themselves soon enough, says Ganesha.