
Sunday May 19-2019

Aries : You are deeply interested in the occult and the paranormal and today, you may indulge in something to do with it. So, you may buy a full colour 15×10 glossy on shamanic rites or the tantra! Ganesha suggests using such knowledge for peaceful ends.

Taurus : Today, says Ganesha, you will are likely to encounter someone who is bent upon provoking and getting on your nerves. You are urged not to retaliate and do things unbecoming of your good nature. Keep calm and unruffled. Respond and behave in a manner befitting your better nature. Do not allow the other to spoil your composure, your graciousness. Your goodness, decency will, ultimately, prevail.

Gemini : Bosses will assign new responsibilities to you, predicts Ganesha. Your daytime distress, however, will transform into jubilation by the end of the day’s work, as you will be able to produce brilliant results. Ganesha advises you to delay bidding for tenders by a few days.

Cancer : Today, you will be extremely impulsive and spontaneous, feels Ganesha. You better get rid of your negative thoughts and beliefs and start taking charge of things at hand. Also, stop focussing so much on the pitfalls, and start working. Listen to music that speaks to your heart and you will be at peace with yourself.

Leo : Your entire day will be spent at work. Those working in large corporations will have to fulfill heightened expectations from their superiors. Housewives will need to tackle other work, apart from their daily chores. It is an important day for you, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Close members of your family and friends will take up most of your time today. Students will have to pay more attention to studies as exams are upcoming, and they will have to learn to balance study and free time. Ganesha says today is a good time to buy property. All in all, it is a day when you can afford to relax and let your mind pursue its interests.

Libra : You will be drawn towards those of the opposite sex today says Ganesha. You will meet people who share the same wavelength that you do in the afternoon, and this will lead to a lot of interesting discussions. You will want to expand upon your knowledge of the world today and will be successful in your efforts.

Scorpio : For you Scorpios, love and intense passion are like a way of life. Today will not be any different, for you will put these on top priority, as you mark today’s planner. Well, there is no harm in it, till you know your boundaries. At work, take it easy, for if you fail to resist yourself from making a pass at someone attractive, you may land yourself in serious problems. Instead focus on your creative energies, and find fun in life’s simple pleasures.

Sagittarius : You feel highly balanced today, says Ganesha. Being a family person, you dedicate your time equally at home and carry out responsibilities towards family. When it comes to work, you are at ease today. Enjoy the serenity of nature in the evening.

Capricorn : You are armed with good communication skills, it helps you convince the most adamant of those around you. But, you’ll need to hone this talent once again, says Ganesha. You’ll look into heart of the matter and find the answers you have been searching for. As the day progresses, your creativity will come to the fore, impressing the people around. You can ask for the support of your peers to move ahead, feels Ganesha.

Aquarius : Sometimes it feels like you are stuck in a quicksand, and there is none out there to pull you out. But, the independent Aquarius is capable of dealing with adversities alone. And, that tendency shall hold you in a good stead even today. Dilemmas dissolved and problems resolved, you shall spend a quiet, romantic evening with your sweetheart, foresees Ganesha.

Pisces : You are fond of traveling and are always looking for an excuse to set off. Hence it comes as no surprise if you pack your bags and decide to embark upon a journey on a whim today. It is a much needed break too, from the daily stresses of earning a livelihood. While you are seeking solitude, you will take your friends and relatives along with you on the trip, says Ganesha.