
Saturday June 08-2019

Aries : Ganesha says go ahead and indulge in your artistic self today. You can reorganise your home or work place. Expenses are on the cards. If you have been longing for that expensive dressing table or a study table, buy it. Indulgence is okay sometimes.

Taurus : The day is likely to turn out to be a difficult one. But your maturity and experience in handling adverse situations will come to your aid. You will, as the day advances, be able to sort out the problems that have cropped up and end up on an optimistic note. If you are engaged in business you are likely to fare well and will have no difficulty in concluding the day profitably.

Gemini : You are likely to work extra hard to assert your authority at the workplace. On the work front, your seniors and colleagues will appreciate your devotion and dedication to work. Monetary gains may be expected in the evening, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will put your family members above everything else. You will plan the entire day keeping them in mind. Your family will respond in kind and will make you feel loved and blessed. Your rivals will acknowledge your accomplishments and abilities.

Leo : You need to balance your income and expenditure. It is a good time to invest and speculate in shares. Your debts will be settled, and pending dues will be realised. A work or project that has been delayed for some time, will now be completed. Your relations with your business partners will become stronger now, says Ganesha.

Virgo : The place you dwell in could do well with a new look. At least, that is what you want to do today. Add some lively show pieces and sprinkle some of that personality to get the right effect, says Ganesha. In the evening, be prepared to shine out as a master performer and possibly a valuable helping hand.

Libra : Money matters may cause you some concern, at least till the latter half of the day, foresees Ganesha. After that, those financial troubles will make way for lucrative opportunities. Expect to make money from all quarters later in the afternoon. You shall be your own boss when it comes to making career decisions. Evening promises to be a good one, as you spend some fabulous time with your darling.

Scorpio : Relationships are the crux of life, and you put in all your efforts to maintain your personal relations, says Ganesha. Managing kids and their demands may be slightly challenging; but well, kids are after all kids. Haste makes waste; avoid taking hasty decisions or you may end up taking decisions that would benefit others more than you.

Sagittarius : Interaction and exchange of ideas with like-minded people will rejuvenate you today, says Ganesha. You may be express yourself better in front of them. Planning and execution of ideas at work may not be in sync today. Be practical and move on, look forward to a better tomorrow.

Capricorn : You’ll be over-emotional during the first half of the day. You’ve been quiet for a long period now, and it will be emotionally and physically exhausting for you to express your tensions, fears, dreams, regrets and sorrows, feels Ganesha. The other half will be different as you’ll feel energetic and go out of the way to be with others in their tough times.

Aquarius : Today, you will feel inclination towards antiques and arts, foretells Ganesha. You appreciate the beauty of life, but often forget to bring these emotions to the surface. You will be very sensitive today and probably the smallest of disputes may hurt your feelings badly, foresees Ganesha.

Pisces : You will find yourself in a nostalgic frame of mind today, and will attempt to reach out to long lost friends and relatives, says Ganesha. It is also a good day for social and religious activities. You will also relate to your work rather emotionally. However, when it comes to business, practical prudence should guide your decisions rather than emotional attachments, opines Ganesha.