
Monday Aug 05-2019

Aries : For no reason whatsoever, you may clam up today. Of course, you will give credit to others wherever they’ve contributed. But you need to be more generous than that, says Ganesha, and share the secrets of your success with your compatriots. Also, do you really need to buy that $100 wallet?

Taurus : The stars are very auspiciously disposed towards you, announces Ganesha. You have an exceptionally bright and enjoyable day ahead of you. All events and situations will work in your favour. If you are pursuing higher studies you will perform brilliantly. Those appearing for competitive examinations are likely to score very high. The powerful yogas formed by the planets today distinctly promise all this, and more.

Gemini : It is a day filled with joy and happiness on the home front. You will spend a lot of time with children. You will complete long pending household projects as well as take an interest in ironing out differences between family members, says Ganesha.

Cancer : There is a chance today to benefit from womenfolk. Though you are methodical and disciplined in your work, you will feel rudderless. Yet you will et relief from this monotony and feel jovial, says Ganesha.

Leo : Seems today is just one of those days when things simply refuse to go your way. It happens to the best of us, says Ganesha, and there isn’t much one can do about it except slog it out and find that hidden reserve of moral support. On a brighter note, Ganesha observes the possibility of you meeting the right person who shall help you rekindle your imagination.

Virgo : Issues regarding religious beliefs and spirituality will surface today. Pursue your goals single-mindedly to attain success in the field of your choice, and exploit your abilities and talents to the hilt, advises Ganesha. You will be more logical and calculative, rather than emotional, in matters of your relationships.

Libra : Ganesha says you will be able to spend ample time with your loved ones and may even taken them out for lunch or dinner which will bring you more closer to them. You will even try to please them by showering them with gifts and presents today.

Scorpio : It is about time you learn to deal with frustration in a more healthy manner. The right choice is always the hardest to make. Do not let sentiments sway you into hasty choices because they may feel right, but might also be extremely impractical. There may some strain on your relationship with near and dear ones. Learn to be patient and calm in the face of adversity, advises Ganesha.

Sagittarius : You will enjoy the magic of the Midas touch today, feels Ganesha. In business, sheer brilliance will help you derive the best possible results in productivity and clinching new contracts. Your approach, in general, will be methodical, disciplined and systematic for most part of the day.

Capricorn : Ganesha can hear the wedding bells. There is all the likelihood that you will find your perfect match today and will let him/her know about your feelings, says Ganesha. Your family means the world to you and you will be more expressive about this today than you have been in the past few years. In fact, your warm feelings will be reciprocated in equal measure and you will be showered with love— unconditional and unrestrained.

Aquarius : It’s a day you may want to spend with yourself. But it may still not bring the desired peace and tranquility. An unpleasant situation may force you to deal with reality, says Ganesha. You now realise how much strength you derive from your devotion to God.

Pisces : For those who are salaried, today should be a progressive day for you. Important meetings at the work-place will benefit from your presence and the suggestions you have to make. This should enhance your relationship with your superiors. Compliments galore will come your way throughout the day. There are also indications of an important event occurring in your personal life today, says Ganesha.