
Monday  Sep 30-2019

Aries : You will be very active today. Your activities will result in progress and success. However in the evening you will feel the need for some solitude. Pay heed to your moods, and get into a solitary corner to be alone. Ganesha says it’s okay to confide your problems to your dog.

Taurus : In all probability, today you will discover that your family is the foundation of your success, predicts Ganesha. Your dearly loved spouse may try to spice up the relationship in the afternoon and you will be more than willing to reciprocate, expects Ganesha.

Gemini : You will attempt to be a part of your elders’ or your friend’s sorrows and try to lighten their burdens. Your kind and courteous nature, as well as your joviality will cheer them up. The later half of the day will be filled with entertainment and happiness. A romantic date in the evening is possible, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You plan a slow but steady strategy to achieve your goals. Your business rivals can come nowhere you in efficiency or expertise. You will win all-out praise for this from all quarters. And, Ganesha is highly delighted.

Leo : To fulfill your stated goals and aspirations you will work harder than usual today. You will take on more responsibility, and will garner praise for your business acumen. Going out to lunch or dinner with friends is a distinct possibility and you will in all probability generously offer to bear all the resulting expenses, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Work like a thrall to have your contribution noticed, says Ganesha. However, do not expect appreciation in the same degree. Unwind at the end of a long day with the solace of putting in your best.

Libra : Ganesha says you will think twice before spending today. You shall try to save your money by bargaining too. The afternoon is an auspicious time to propose to your loved one for marriage. Today is the day you shall experience love and closeness with your partner. Ganeshji sends you his best wishes

Scorpio : A one to one conversation with your partner or spouse may leave you happy. In short, marital bliss is on the cards today. To come closer to each other, you may even think of a getaway or plan a long vacation with each other. Your cheerful nature would keep you going throughout the day and even help you to sort out small issues.

Sagittarius : The fire within you is set to flare – professionally and personally. It won’t be difficult for you to convince people of your intentions. But Ganesha advises you to seek counsel from your superiors and predecessors before you dive into anything.

Capricorn : You’re not somebody who would do something just for the sake of doing it. In fact, your desire to achieve your dreams will lead you towards putting your best foot forward and probably setting up a new business venture. Today, you’ll also get done with some old assignments or projects, says Ganesha.

Aquarius : You will take up the road less travelled today. You will find solace in spiritualism. You have worked really hard till now, and it’s time to take breather, feels Ganesha. Spend some time with your friends, unwind yourself, travel to your favourite destination and rejuvenate yourself. By doing so, you will not be wasting time; in fact, you are preparing yourself to bring a better tomorrow.

Pisces : Today is a day devoted to matters of the hearth as well as your heart. So, while you will probably be busy during the day keeping tabs on the refurbishments you have planned for your residence, the evening should probably see you in a romantic setting murmuring sweet nothings to your soul mate, says Ganesha.