
Sunday Nov 17-2019

Aries : The artist in you seeks expression today. Thus, you could decide to paint your house in attractive colours, or repair a piece of old furniture in modern style. You may become sentimental about a forgotten matchbox collection, and decide to replenish it. Ganesha is in full agreement with all such activities that give you fulfilment.

Taurus : A good day for money and love (you need more?). A quality, professional approach will help you shine out in business today. Be it launching a product or marketing it, you will win yourself hearts, smiles and a bundle of green. Let the leader in you take over during the day and the lover in you return by night, says Ganesha.

Gemini : The first half of the day should see you fresh and rosy with enthusiasm. You will be able to channel your energies in the right direction today. You will be able to pursue projects which really interest you. You will likely spend your lunch time in the company of friends and family. Overall, a productive and satisfying day awaits, says Ganesha.

Cancer : An episode could upset you; so control your anger, suggests Ganesha. A slight hurdle on the job front. you may show interest in antiques.

Leo : You need to tap into your inner resources today. Meetings or important consultations are best concluded before the afternoon. The later half of the day will not be very auspicious for you. A day of mixed results awaits, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Handicrafts business will fascinate you today, predicts Ganesha. People will be left wondering what fuels all that dedication and commitment – at work and at home! Ganesha advises you to consummate those bonds of love and roll in the hay with your spouse.

Libra : Ganesha says you should beware of small and petty issues that may crop up today and make you undergo mental stress. This is the time to meditate or do yoga and focus on improving your mental state of mind. Towards the evening you will get some sad news about a close relative which will trouble you but remember, no state of mind remains forever- after sadness there will be happiness following it.

Scorpio : Now is the time to hit the right note. As you are loaded with work, show your intelligence and try to win over your superiors and bosses. For all the businessmen, Ganesha advises to delay the bidding on sealed tenders if they are planning to do it today. The day is so hectic that you just want to relax in the evening.

Sagittarius : All said and done, today Ganesha foresees you striking a fine balance between your profession and passion. Profession will win the hand during the course of the day. Your flitting in social circles is slated to take a back-seat as you tend to focus more on your work.

Capricorn : Various issues may perturb you, making you feel like it may not be a very fulfilling day. But at work, fortune will be biased towards you and will bring all the luck you need to excel in the work you may have undertaken, says Ganesha. Incidentally, sentiments may hamper your ability to take rational decisions, while high expectations of the loved ones will burden you with tremendous pressure.

Aquarius : Time is money, and you need to understand it fast! Scrap your old schedules and plan new ones that work. Ganesha suggests that the good old planner will work wonders in organising your work. Remember the old adage? A stitch in time saves nine. So get going.

Pisces : You need to be extremely careful when planning out your activities for the day, says Ganesha. For the slightest mistake could bring all your efforts to naught. Treading carefully and cautiously is advisable, when it comes to work-related matters, to avoid falling into traps. You will be more dependent on luck today. In times of great difficulty, you will find that god lends a helping hand.