
Monday  Dec 23-2019

Aries : You will put your eloquence to excellent use today, and it will be praised by one and all, particularly by members of the opposite sex, and you will bask in all the glory. However, Ganesha suggests that you spare some time for meditation to balance your internal and external worlds.

Taurus : The planets are not well disposed towards you today, fears Ganesha. There are strong chances of crossing swords with someone, getting into a serious personality clash. Not good is come out of it. You may simply end in alienating those who are otherwise well disposed towards you. Later in the ady the situation will ease out. Do not, ion the evening, miss out on a chance of dining out with friends and family members.

Gemini : You will neglect your daily routine and indulge in fun and frolic with your family members today. Friends and family will probably accompany you to lunch or dinner to your favourite restaurant. You will feel at ease and will feel the stress slipping out of your system. Wait for a couple of days before proposing to that special someone, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Swiftness of your work will mesmerise people. They will make comparisons with you. Yet they can-not catch up with you. you are not at all greedy, nor do you make any needless demand any time. You will feel greater under-standing and proximity with your spouse.

Leo : You will take some progressive decisions in the morning. However, your positivity will fade away as the day progresses and you will take a pessimistic view of things. This could affect your decisions. You will accomplish more in the later half of the day, says Ganesha.

Virgo : An outspoken discussion with a loved one is on the cards today. Work hard to complete the work that you have been procrastinating for a long time, says Ganesha. A holy place is beckoning you. However, Ganesha advises you to evaluate all your options while taking your decisions.

Libra : Ganesha says that those of you who are working independently or have their own business may have a good day in financial matters today. Those of you who are working professionals will find that your higher officials will be very happy with you and your abilities will be praised. Whether you are independently working or working under someone today is your day.

Scorpio : The day begins with challenges at work, predicts Ganesha. But, don’t you worry as you have all the zest to tackle your career front. Evenings will be full of social exchanges and attending parties and dinner with friends is on the cards.

Sagittarius : Your role in bringing crucial and influential deals will be pivotal, says Ganesha. However, the end results may not turn up as per your expectations. But a pleasant evening with your beloved is likely to cheer you up and lighten your mood.

Capricorn : There is a creative side to your personality which will come to the fore now. With your unusual wit and intelligence you will guide others on their paths. Many will come to you for guidance and you will able to spread a harmonious environment around. You don’t look down upon people because of their problems which will earn you great respect in the society.

Aquarius : You have been bitten by the explorer’s bug. Today, you could be pouring over an encyclopedia, a National Geographic magazine, or even tour your town, discovering little eateries and joints hitherto unknown. Ganesha says that if you include friends, it will be so much more fun!

Pisces : You have been ruminating on your past performance for quite some time now, and today will be the day when you attempt to better it, says Ganesha. Your peers may try to outwit you, but you will manage to pre-empt them with consummate skill. Meditative techniques will help you remain calm.