

Sunday Jan 19 -2020

Aries : Romance will keep you occupied today. Monetary success will lead to peace and the other way round. You must be careful about expenses and buy only that stuff which you really need. Ganesha says this can save you from putting your money into some dubious schemes.

Taurus : This day you could be in for some unexpected and unpleasant shocks, warns Ganesha. There is a strong likelihood of getting insulted or humiliated. You must therefore be alert and on your toes. You could that way, manage to avert situations that may threaten your standing and reputation. If, however, you do get hurt, control you urge to retaliate. If you can forget the issue and forgive the offender, you will score a moral victory and your spirits will soar.

Gemini : It is the time to indulge in luxury and entertainment. You will pay more attention to household matters and tend to your children’s needs. You will be concerned about your diet and other health matters in the evening, however, these worries are only of a temporary nature, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will be ready to understand the meaning of life. You will get new responsibilities in your job or business, which means a promotion and pay hike. You may take an instinctive decision, which you may repent later. Take a calculated and thoughtful step, says Ganesha.

Leo : Your expenses will increase today owing to your carefree attitude. You need to curb down on your spending. The later half of the day will see you deal with minor issues related to the work-place. If you ignore these issues now, they will crop up into major problems later on. Hence, resolve them immediately, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Ganesha predicts that you will achieve the targets that you set out to achieve today. The heavy pressure of work will not affect you in any way. Ganesha says the secret of your success is being patient. You are bang on target.

Libra : Ganesha says you will try to impress other people with your appearance and personality. Under current circumstances there are chances of you falling in love with a new person who will become your beloved. The time spent with this person will be unforgettable says Ganesha, as love is in the air. Make the most of the day.

Scorpio : Experience is the best teacher and today you should be thankful to your teacher as it is going to handle many new projects. You may even guide your peers and juniors in their work and enhance their imagination power.

Sagittarius : You are on a creative high today. You may be painting or sketching during the first half of the day. You may even find time to go through your past possessions and treasure. And during the later half of the day, you may be busy in giving your cosy corner and home a new look, a makeover. A pleasant day in store for you, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You will be in chirpy mood today, want to do anything and everything. Business opportunities will grab your eye balls, and you want to go ahead with those ideas. Ganesha predicts you will succeed in these ventures as luck is by your side. Socially, you will be busy as you will meet a lot of people and impress them with your wit and humour.

Aquarius : You work while you work and play while you play. This approach certainly contributes a lot to your success, says Ganesha. You stay focused on your goal and make each step boldly, but wisely. Enjoy the evening in the presence of your friends and family members, and bring a joyous end to the day, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Your competitors will find it tough to maintain their footing against your onslaught today. You need not worry about their activities for you will come out with flying colors at the end of it all. You are not by nature ill-tempered, but you will have to encounter situations where you will be opposed needlessly and that could rouse your wrath. It is an opportune time to hammer out solutions to long simmering discords, says Ganesha.