
Friday Feb 07-2020

Aries : The stars today may play some tricks, which may land you in some sort of problem. But by mid-day, things will calm down and you will forget it. Ganesha says that in the evening, you will be calm and pensive which is an excellent thing.

Taurus : A good day for money and love (you need more?). A quality, professional approach will help you shine out in business today. Be it launching a product or marketing it, you will win yourself hearts, smiles and a bundle of green. Let the leader in you take over during the day and the lover in you return by night, says Ganesha.

Gemini : You will be flooded with mental stress and worry today. You will have a hard time expressing your feelings and emotions today. You will feel nostalgic and will be flooded with memories, however, do not let your past cloud your present and your future, says Ganesha.

Cancer : The health of a kin may cause anxiety, says Ganesha. Your lack of enthusiasm will influence you on family matters. So you will have to focus on family members. New ties and contacts are in the offing. Over-all, a hectic and profit-able day.

Leo : You will be in the mood to express your thoughts and opinions unabashedly today. You will try your utmost to make gains in your profession. You will be able to clear off your debts. You should make the most of this beneficial time to end your financial troubles, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Look before you leap. Ganesha warns that there may be trouble brewing for you and it may catch you unawares. You will be very upbeat at work, and you realise that your high spirits benefit your colleagues too. You may reserve the evening for a quite time with your family, reminiscing the happy times spent together in the past.

Libra : Ganesha says today you will like to do something special in a subject that interests you. Past incidents or memories will flash in your mind today. Today you will be able to tell what is in your heart and mind to a special person. Ganesha wishes you a happy and joyous day.

Scorpio : Today, you may be at your creative best and encourage various forms of arts. If the passion grows, you may even consider taking lessons in classical music or dance. Love is in the air during the evening. Ganesha foresees a romantic dinner and drive with your beloved.

Sagittarius : Ganesha foresees an action-packed day for you, today. Your work may demand shooting innovative ideas to work on the new projects in the pipeline. And good news is that you will live up to your superiors’ expectations. You spare some time for family, friends and relatives towards the end of the day.

Capricorn : Today, you’ll open a mix bag of surprises, opportunities, challenges, and not-so good fall of events. You’ll have a tendency of letting the noticeable details fall between the cracks at work. This is certainly not a good trait to have, however, it will not harm you much. As the day progresses, you’ll encounter a delightful surprise, feels Ganesha.

Aquarius : It always pays to have extra cash, and in that regard, you will be a happy person today! You may carefully update and crosscheck your financial position. Of course, there are people who don’t share your happiness and will try to advise you to the contrary. Ignore them, says Ganesha.

Pisces : You need to be extremely careful when planning out your activities for the day, says Ganesha. For the slightest mistake could bring all your efforts to naught. Treading carefully and cautiously is advisable, when it comes to work-related matters, to avoid falling into traps. You will be more dependent on luck today. In times of great difficulty, you will find that god lends a helping hand.