
Tuesday Mar 03-2020

Aries : So, busy bee, you finally realise you’ve been ignoring your near and dear. And now, it’s going to cost you a lot of effort to make it up to them. Dinner at the finest restaurant, a trip to the theatre, shopping at a posh boutique… be ready to splurge, says Ganesha!

Taurus : In all probability, it is a favourable day to begin financial planning, says Ganesha. You will focus on your relations and leave no stone unturned to make them prosper. You may yearn for a quiet getaway and end up spending a small fortune to get what you want.

Gemini : Today, you may resume your quest for spirituality which you had aborted some time back. However, that doesn’t mean you are on your way to sainthood. You are just trying to get close to your inner self. Though you will be frugal while spending on yourself, your lavish treatment to your beloved will stump everyone, including him/her, predicts Ganesha.

Cancer : You are likely to be a little over-zealous and over-analytical today, foretells Ganesha. You should not to be too forceful or severe on others. This will help you save a few friendships and will make sure that your reputation remains intact. It is best to avoid conflicts and differences with your peers and bosses, suggests Ganesha.

Leo : When it comes to maintaining a balance in any relationship, you set an example for others to follow. It is like an inner light guides you towards joyful coexistence, though, at times, it may entail making certain acts of sacrifice, says Ganesha. You may choose to lose an argument in order to win hearts. Just remember that losing a battle is sometimes the only way to win the war. Keep your language short and sweet on this wonderful day.

Virgo : Take up the gauntlet that promises to test your business acumen, especially those related to capital and finances. You are most likely to come up with out-of-the-box ideas to resolve issues, and Ganesha assures that this will work wonders.

Libra : There is a very strong possibility of major improvements in your public standing and image today. But it all depends so much upon your personal character, and, therefore, you must guard it zealously, even with your own life. Those who seek to malign or dent your reputation will be disappointed, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : Today promises to be an exceptional day for those involved in business. With sheer brilliance, you will steer deals right to your door step, and will display great finesse in negotiations and bartering. Bring out the leader in you and take charge when you introduce new products or market them in business, suggests Ganesha.

Sagittarius : To do or not to do? That will be the question for most of today as you find yourself pulling out of one dilemma only to trip into the next one. Controversy will surround you and you may find yourself at the crossroads, where you are unsure of which direction to take. Turn to the wisdom of the experienced for proper guidance, advises Ganesha.

Capricorn : Good news for students! If you have been trying your luck for studies abroad, today is an opportune day, says Ganesha. Also, get your priorities straight and see that you achieve them one by one, for only a well-planned move can take you a step closer to your ambition. Those engaged in stock exchange and dealing with shares can expect a fruitful day ahead.

Aquarius : Bursting with new ideas, you want to make the world a better place! You will give your best in a team and will come up with great schemes and solutions. At gatherings and social dos, says Ganesha, you will remain your charming self, impressing people with an amazing social grace.

Pisces : Home is where the hearth is, in which the troubles you need to deal with today are smouldering. Running away from your problems will simply have you out of breath; it would be wiser to take a stand and find solutions to petty conflicts without losing your perspective. Make no mountains out of mole hills, says Ganesha.