
Wednesday Mar 04-2020

Aries : A tough, action-packed day ahead! There may be difference of opinions with friends over trivial matters, but you will thrive on it. But all pending work will be completed, much to your relief. It’s a promising and optimistic day, says Ganesha!

Taurus : Today, you may have something at the back of your mind that will grip you with its complexity, says Ganesha. Speak freely as your words are capable of making a great impact on others. You may not be willing to confront unpleasant situations today. Don’t worry, the stars seem in your favour, predicts Ganesha.

Gemini : Today, you would love to spend as much time alone as possible with your sweetheart, says Ganesha. A casual conversation between the two of you may culminate into a sensuous consummation. In the evening, you will keep people charmed with your wit and wisdom, feels Ganesha.

Cancer : There is a fat chance that you will take pleasure in the company of your close friends and relatives, predicts Ganesha. You may have an awesome time with your mate. There may be a few minor problems here and there, but your family will rally behind you and will help you in solving your problems.

Leo : You are blessed with a visionary’s creative streak. Perhaps, that’s why, you see things differently from others. Today, thanks to the stars, your creative side will surge forth with renewed vigour. You will generate ideas effortlessly and continuously as you reach your creative peak. Just remember that having an imaginative mind means learning lessons from the past and visualising a better future. So, ideate responsibly, advises Ganesha.

Virgo : There will be dirt on your shoulder today, so dust it off, says Ganesha, because every time you fall you will get up stronger than before. Your logic and analytical skills will help you find the necessary precision to accomplish tasks at work. You may spend the evening with a close friend or your beloved, engrossed in a stimulating conversation.

Libra : Gear up to play the peace maker today! Your ability to handle a ‘Brady Bunch’ hasn’t gone unnoticed. So expect to be put in charge of handling disputes among your subordinates at work today, hints Ganesha. Research work may slow to a crawl today, but the offshoot is that it’s an auspicious day to enter into new contracts. You might want to arrange that bit of business over lunch. Good food has a tendency to lead to successful end of negotiations. Just don’t forget to compliment the chef and leave a tip.

Scorpio : Ganesha feels a taxing and demanding day may be at hand today. Things might baffle you so much that you might lose your ability to think clearly. The battle is not lost because your power of resilience will be the silver lining. Address one problem at a time and take the slow and steady path, advises Ganesha.

Sagittarius : A la a phoenix from the ashes, find yourself reborn as the perfect family person. You are bound to shower love and care on your betrothed. Children, too, will receive your share of love, and they will love it. Enjoy spending quality time with your loved one, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : It’s a lucky day for your sweetheart! Wonder why it’s written in your horoscope? You will pamper him/her to the hilt, take them out on a shopping spree and buy whatever they lay their eyes on, even if it’s way beyond reasonable, says Ganesha. You will go overboard to make your love feel that nothing else matters, and although this lavish outing will serve the purpose, you may later repent not keeping a count of your cash.

Aquarius : Your ideas are bang on target today! Everything you touch turns into gold. You have it in you to make it big, and the time is now. When the going gets tough, the tough get going — you’ve heard this before, now it’s time for some action, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Stabbing with a pen is so much more satisfying than slicing with a sword. With these lofty ideals in mind, you will launch an assault upon your unsuspecting prey with your lethal presentation skills, eliciting cries of sheer ecstasy and tremendous applause. Don’t get carried away though, says Ganesha.