
Wednesday June 17-2020

Aries : If you’re looking to get married, buy the ring today. But before you take the leap, weigh all the pros and cons carefully, says Ganesha. All in all, this may be a day filled with activities related to your relationship and by the time the day ends, you may be on cloud nine!

Taurus : The time you previously spent on certain activities may not yield results as expected, predicts Ganesha. You will be reluctant to travel today. Your may find yourself wanting more space and freedom of expression. A stroll with your sweetheart, hand in hand, may be the highlight of your day, says Ganesha.

Gemini : You will try very hard to strike a balance between logic and emotions. Though you may succeed in doing so in front of the world, you may not be so discreet with your friends. You will have an excellent time with your sweetheart, but your physical appearance will be a cause of concern to you, says Ganesha.

Cancer : A string of domestic responsibilities awaits you; today, you are about to realise that it is a long, long string. Chances are that this sudden rise in work pressure may also lead to blood pressure problems. Ganesha advises you to stop presuming how people may react to everything; also, avoid being too proud to avoid excess heartache.

Leo : You sure love playing a team sport, but that does not diminish the fact that you are a tough player to compete with, says Ganesha. If only they had a rugby team at the local club! You derive a sense of completion from the fact that you have given your best effort to any endeavour. You take on challenges with a nonchalant air of ‘come as they may’. With your attitude and strategy, success is not far behind. Smile along with Lady Luck by your side today, says Ganesha.

Virgo : You will begin your journey on the long, hard road to success, predicts Ganesha. Hard work will be the key to any progress that you make. Avoid short cuts, and all the toil and trouble will pay off with rich returns as recognition and rewards will come your way. You may let a few opportunities fly past because of fear of taking risks.

Libra : Today promises a definite sense of pride and joy from children who bring home glory, says Ganesha. Fiscal gains are also on the cards, and you may consider it worthwhile to put your money into lucrative businesses. Money-lenders and stock brokers are likely to make handsome earnings on this charming and enchanting day.

Scorpio : In all probability, your mood is extremely hawkish today. Your belligerence may even put off Lady Luck for the time being. Ganesha advises you to stay away from confrontations and troubles of any kind. The evening, however, promises to be relaxing.

Sagittarius : Remember that actions always speak louder than words. You will, in all probability, finish your work that has been seeking your attention for long now. You shall also successfully bring continuing disputes to the table and resolve them logically.

Capricorn : Success never comes easy, but in your case, it will make an exception, says Ganesha. You will meet with success in social as well as professional life, and this will also make heavy your treasure box. At work, prepare to get loaded with new assignments and simultaneously deal with existing work pressure. But it won’t be as fatiguing as it sounds; evening recreations will charge you up for the next day.

Aquarius : Optimism rules today, and you are assured of your success. You are not usually affected by others’ opinions, and that is how it should be. But you must keep in mind the inconvenience your decisions may cause people. Any stress or tension will vanish in the arms of your beloved, says Ganesha.

Pisces : For those in the creative fields of marketing or advertising, today is an extraordinary opportunity to tweak your marketing mix into bringing in maximum profits with bare minimum efforts. Your health interests will also take priority now, and you will find yourself spending more time in the gym, says Ganesha.