
Friday June 26-2020

Aries : You are enthusiastic about mixing with people today, and you will feel like combining business and leisure. You will be encouraged to take part in group activities as you have the ability to work and have fun at the same time. Ganesha says that as a matter of fact you may emerge wiser from others’ ideas.

Taurus : This day you will be prone to be stubborn and uncompromising in your business and professional dealings and thereby inviting unnecessary problems. Ganesha urges you to guard against this tendency and conduct yourself cordially and amiably with your colleagues and clients. The day will turn out well for executives and administrators. Do not fret too much about the work in hand. Things will turn out fine.

Gemini : Routine work bores you, and today you will go all out to break free from the shackles of boredom. The results, however, may not be as dramatic. You will have to depend on your children, if any, to rescue you from the tyranny of routine. Monetary gains can be expected either in the form of inheritance of ancestral property or as increment in your basic salary.

Cancer : You wish to display your social prestige and monetary clout in front of your relatives. But you have to pay a heavy price for that. Your past experience will teach you something, which will stand in good stead for future dealings.

Leo : No matter how far you go, there is always a horizon that you desire to reach. And what holds true for all outer projections of life most certainly holds true for one’s inner self as well, reminds Ganesha. Bear this in mind as you strive to improve yourself in as many ways as possible. You might consider part-time courses and crash courses to help increase your skills and double your efficiency. Self-improvement is a never-ending process, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Financial doldrums are headed your way today. In order to seek what you desire, expect shelling out a hefty price. You might just net those short-term goals in the evening. Ganesha foretells large and important business deals will end the day on a high note.

Libra : Ganesha says today you may be able to undertake travel for business or pleasure purposes. It may be a busy day for you work wise and you may not be able to completely focus on your family or family issues. Try your luck in the stock market today, as it may prove beneficial to you. If there are certain issues or problems they will be sorted out today because of your varied skills and past experiences. Ganesha wishes you a day full of happiness and joy today

Scorpio : Try to take a chill pill as you may be worried about petty issues today. Do not let them hinder your happiness and take a toll on your health. However, the day looks promising towards the end. Friends are just a phone call away, call them and set out for a destination unknown to destress and rejuvenate.

Sagittarius : Keeping all the work aside, you may be painting the town red today. Falling in love is exciting, isn’t it? However, for all those who are already in a relationship, Ganesha shows a red signal. Avoid arguments with your loved one, He suggests. Impress ‘the special one’ with a bouquet of red roses and make up for all the petty fights during the day.

Capricorn : Though you leave no stone unturned to identify the opportunities coming your way, you need to keep your guards on whenever you are a part of a legal matter. Financially, you’re likely to bear some heavy losses, and if you’re a dealer or a broker, the chances of suffering from them are even higher. Take some precautionary measures well in advance, advises Ganesha.

Aquarius : The game is set; you are put up against those who are holding a grudge against you and are waiting for an opportunity to pull you down. But, you are confident, skilful, and know your strengths very well. No matter how hard the opponents try, they will be no match to you, predicts Ganesha. Throughout all of these your spouse will support you silently but strongly.

Pisces : You will find yourself in a philosophical state of mind today. You will be able to see things for what they really are, rather than what they appear to be. You are unlikely to try and swim against the flow today, given your mental state. You will take things are they come to you, one at a time. Some bad news could come your way and likely keep your mind convulsed with stress, says Ganesha.