
Saturday Aug  22-2020

Aries : Some cheerful news could put you in really high spirits today. The news could either be of a personal or professional nature – perhaps about your career, or a social gathering, or some monetary profit. You always give your best, and Ganesha says today it will lead to rich dividends.

Taurus : You are likely to be in a mood to get away from the daily grind and take a much need break. You would naturally try to stay free from future concerns and commitments and keep all your woes and worries aside for the day. An adventurous and fun filled outing or a trip to some happening resort, along with your friends and family members is a near certainty, assures Ganesha. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Gemini : A fun and frolic filled day awaits you. You will have a lot of fun with your family members, especially children. You will help your children with their work. Marital life will be blissful. Relations with your spouse will be romantic today. A pleasure filled day awaits, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Ganesha says that you will feel tiredness and weakness but in the office or business you will be relaxed , with less tension. Ganesha suggests that you should be careful to fulfil new responsibilities entrusted to you. You will spend on travel.

Leo : You will attempt to reschedule your daily routine to be able to make the most of your day. While it is easy to make plans, implementing them and sticking to them depends on your own discipline and determination. You will become more aware about health issues and pay closer attention to your diet. You will spend an enjoyable time with your family, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Issues regarding religious beliefs and spirituality will surface today. Pursue your goals single-mindedly to attain success in the field of your choice, and exploit your abilities and talents to the hilt, advises Ganesha. You will be more logical and calculative, rather than emotional, in matters of your relationships.

Libra : Ganesha says you will be able to spend ample time with your loved ones and may even taken them out for lunch or dinner which will bring you more closer to them. You will even try to please them by showering them with gifts and presents today.

Scorpio : A creative thought or an innovative idea may spice up your routine work. Apparently, you may seem all worked up and disorganised, but actually you may be quite systematic when it comes to your work. Keep the enthusiasm in you alive to make life happier, tips Ganesha.

Sagittarius : You may have to make important decisions of life today, says Ganesha. Remember, haste makes waste, so take every decision only after thinking about its long-term consequences or end results. Be patient.

Capricorn : Mark this date on the calendar as today is going to be one of the most important days of life, the reason being you are going to meet somebody who is will stay with you through out your life. Though it may some time bore you, but your relationships will keep you busy today. Visits to religious places are on the cards for you. Most of the day you will spend time with your friends and family.

Aquarius : You will try everything to please your colleagues and bosses, but they will still have something negative to say about your performance. In order to be in the good books of everyone you end up hurting your own interests, feels Ganesha. The second half of the day promises to be relaxing, thanks to your sweetheart who will make special efforts to lighten your burden of work.

Pisces : You will have difficulty in interpreting the behaviour of your life partner today. It is better to bring transparency in your relationship rather than to doubt it. Speak freely about your problems and communicate with your spouse. Business relationships will also face rough weather. Those who work will find a measure of success in their office. It is a day of mixed fortunes and the evening might bring some respite in the form of family time, says Ganesha.