
Friday March 26-2021

Aries : You may want to meet up with friends you haven’t met in a long time, and the stars indicate that you will have great fun. Your enthusiasm will add a glow to whatever you do. Your sincerity in approach is what makes it special, says Ganesha.

Taurus : You will focus on nurturing the positive aspects of your life today, says Ganesha. You might exhaust yourself mentally trying to set things straight. It would be better to brainstorm with someone close to you or approach people whom you have differences with. The nitty-gritty is fine, but do not forget the larger picture, suggests Ganesha.

Gemini : You will let your personal likes and dislikes cloud your judgement today. Don’t let that happen, or you may lose a worthy friend. You are likely to have a chance meeting with your soul mate or maybe even your ex-sweetheart. A romantic evening is on the anvil. But it remains to be seen whether it will be your past, present or future lover.

Cancer : Today may not be a productive day for you. Though there may not be any major loss, you may feel a little lost and would like to be left alone. If you have kids, you may suffer from the empty nest syndrome with your kids not at home.

Leo : You may wear the trendiest suit, drive the swankiest car and dine at the costliest restaurant, but if luck is not on your side, you can forget becoming a business tycoon. Fortunately, that is not the case with you today. With a favourable alignment of the cosmos, you are set for a day where your business proposals will be the hardest thing to overlook. Take bold and cautious steps as you launch your enterprise. Just remember, short-term gains are fine, but what you really want to focus on is the long-term goodwill of the people around you.

Virgo : Family matters. And matters of family matter more. Your negotiation skills are supreme and you shall bring harmonious ends to disputes today. Life has taught you to be balanced and level-headed, and you strongly believe that there is progression in opposition.

Libra : Today promises to be a joy ride for your hidden gourmand side. Relish what you eat, and thank God for the good luck. Career wise, however, you may find yourself standing at a crossroads. But, the good part about that is there shall be many paths to choose from. And, who knows the art of balancing better than you. The latter half of the day promises to bring some monetary gains.

Scorpio : In all probability, you are set to shine out as a man of care and kindness. Ganesha advises you to shut the doors on worries and open the windows to let merrymaking and happiness sweep you off your feet today. The social bug will bite you hard, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Providence smiles upon you today, predicts Ganesha. Catching a film with your beloved today is a very good idea. Chances are you may have a nice outing along with your friends or family. In either case, the load in your wallet is likely to lessen, steadily if not dramatically.

Capricorn : Not many can match you when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, and as Ganesha says, health won’t be an issue today either. On the work front, you are likely to complete pending projects successfully and your boss, who may be furious because of the delay caused, will reluctantly admit that you did justice to the work and that it was worth the wait. While money matters may take a back seat later in the day, small issues will affect you in a big way.

Aquarius : It’s family time, and your near and dear will be mighty pleased. You will pamper and fuss over them, and will even pull funny faces to make them smile. Your love and affection will undoubtedly pay off, and come back to you in more ways than one. Ganesha says you deserve a pat on the back for being so devoted to family.

Pisces : You have been neglecting your health of late, a fact which is hammered home by your ill-fitting trousers today! So, while you ignored the adage of prevention being better than cure, you could still make a stitch in time to save nine! Head for the gym, and watch those calories, says Ganesha.