
Tuesday April 20-2021

Aries : Today will be an industrious day. The stars foretell that you may visit a historical place, or perhaps a museum. However, Ganesha says, you may need to pay a little attention to your health. If such is the case, it would be better to take the evening off for yourself.

Taurus : Today, Ganesha sees your mind shifting from your professional affairs and drifting, time and again, towards your home and family. You are likely to return home early and get happily engrossed in discussing pressing domestic issues with your family members. This will possibly be followed by a festive evening filled with fun and laughter. You’re going to devote the whole day to your home and family and will be inclined to do little else.

Gemini : Today, you will have the required intentions and courage to propose your sweetheart. You will be dressed to kill, or rather to marry. You will make a favourable impression with the way you’ll look tonight. You will be an open book to your future partner, which is likely to work in your favour.

Cancer : You can improve your finances with you mental capabilities. Ganesha says that you will get success in both private life and career. You will be entrusted many tasks and responsibilities. Yet by evening, you will spend time in your pursuits.

Leo : If it’s a fresh start that you have been looking for, then this day promises to give you just that, predicts Ganesha. If you have already chalked out any plans for your future, today is the day to initiate the implementation. Remember Lions, though, that rushing blindly into anything is not the solution. The slow and steady approach always works. Hence, consider executing your ideas in phases, advises Ganesha.

Virgo : You will be in a very ambitious and conscientious mood today. Your actions will speak louder than words. You set the pace with your meticulous planning and careful execution. Ganesha says you may expect a lot of appreciation and recognition for your work coming from your boss and your colleagues.

Libra : Ganesha says today is a day where you will spend happy moments with your family members. You will feel happy and will get to spend some romantic time with your beloved. Your innermost feeling will be showcased in the internal thoughts of your life partner and both of you will be in tandem with each other today. Ganesha advises you to enjoy these pleasant moments of togetherness.

Scorpio : You nearly emerge as a superhero today, as you have the knack of balancing home and work just perfectly. Intellectual discussions and brainstorming with peers would provide food for thought today. You may look forward to merry-making and soiree with family and friends in the evening.

Sagittarius : Chances of you hitting a roadblock today are high. But remember the saying, ‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going.’ So don’t succumb to pressure, advises Ganesha, but rise up to the occasion and show who’s the boss.

Capricorn : Your accomplishments may take you on cloud nine today. Success may come easily to you, but don’t try your luck too much, advises Ganesha. Make the most of today as tomorrow may not the same as today. You will be popular today, especially in your social circle as you’ll impress everyone with your wit and humour.

Aquarius : You will be able to strike a balance between the emotional and rational side of your personality. You will find pleasure in your work and may successfully mix your personal life into your professional life. Financially, there are no major issues, but negligible matters may keep your mind occupied, feels Ganesha.

Pisces : You will be inspired to travel to a far off place or to a foreign land because of a very warm invitation. Some old friend or relative residing in a foreign land will get in touch and please you today. Ganesha says that today is a good day for those wishing to go abroad for some specialized study or work.