Monday June 14-2021
Aries : You have to take care of your health, and at last you realise the importance of diet and exercise. However, today you may wish to eat something new, or try some different cuisine. Ganesha says go out with some old friends whom you have been neglecting of late.
Taurus : You will be fondly thinking about your close friends, particularly about the ones of the opposite sex. It may suddenly dawn upon you that you are in love, says Ganesha. If per chance, there is a romantic encounter, go ahead and dive fearlessly in the pool of love. It is near certain that the wedding bells will be ringing for you sooner than you think. Today, nearly all Bulls are likely to come under the lovely spell of romance.
Gemini : Your family members and your friends will have much higher expectations from you today, and trying to fulfill the same will make your irritable. However, you will figure out creative ways to juggle the many demands made upon you and come out on tops at the end of it all, says Ganesha.
Cancer : You will tackle with ease, even the most confounding challenges today. You may be the scapegoat, though, fears Ganesha. Beware, or this may shake you and lower your self-confidence. Try to shake off your weaknesses, and you should see yourself obtaining energy and positivity.
Leo : Financial gains in shares and stocks are indicated. If you are an investor, your investments will yield substantial profits. Long-standing debts are also likely to be cleared, and pending dues will be settled. Expenses for the purposes of entertainment are a possibility, says Ganesha.
Virgo : Ganesha foretells that your writing abilities will help you give vent to your emotions without hurting others. You will finish all your incomplete tasks successfully. Ganesha says that you will experience success in everything that you choose to do today.
Libra : Ganesha says that there are chances that today you might start some long-pending renovation project for your house. You may decorate your home with new paintings and items. There may be guests over in the evening that will make you very happy. You may also go out for dinner with your family and friends or, more probably, with your sweetheart.
Scorpio : The one thing that we neglect the most about ourselves is health. But today you are unable to do that. Your health needs to be paid enough attention as you may be suffering from ailment/s. Try to regularise your routine along with healthy food and regular exercise, advises Ganesha.
Sagittarius : For you, appreciation and recognition for the efforts you put in may be delayed, but it’s not denied. There’s is no point losing heart and getting disappointed. This may only affect your work, instead, wait for a better tomorrow, Ganesha says giving you hope.
Capricorn : The hassle and bustle around you will not disturb you today. You’ve been holding your emotions in your heart and they have started suffocating you. Such an uncomfortable situation may hamper your logical reasoning power and make you feel trapped. But, this too shall pass. You will easily come out of the negative zone and move ahead on the path, foretells Ganesha.
Aquarius : Today is the day to turn dreams into reality and how! With your talent, wit, and intelligence you will make a great impression on everyone’s mind, feels Ganesha. Icing on the cake will be the cash inflow. You know your cards and you play them well to your advantage. There may be a catch though, keep yourself guarded, advises Ganesha.
Pisces : You will communicate with your friends or relatives living abroad today. There is a chance that these communications could translate directly into substantial gain for you. You will find yourself in the mood for socializing. You will likely invite friends over to dinner at your place in the evening, says Ganesha.