
Wednesday   Aug 11-2021   

Aries : You will make material progress today, says Ganesha. Naturally, you want to share this abundance with your family. Ganesha suggests you give them more quality time. You may also want to take time out to pray and meditate and thank the almighty for favours received.

Taurus : Dark clouds may keep the sunshine from getting through to your window today, says Ganesha. Negative thoughts and apprehensions may cloud your judgement further. You will look to your family and friends to help you get past today. A loved one may play the pivotal role in changing your fortunes and your mood in the evening, predicts Ganesha.

Gemini : You have excellent communication skills. Today, you will be at your communicative best, predicts Ganesha. At work, you will be given added responsibility. You may have to investigate a tricky matter and submit your report. Even in this, you will exhibit tremendous charm and efficiency. There is something magical about you today.

Cancer : You will plan for a good future. You mobilise all resources. Be warned, before taking a step, counsels Ganesha. Beware of middlemen and agents to save yourself from a major financial loss.

Leo : You consider yourself better than others. You will experience pride in your capabilities today. You will put yourself first before others. You should hold onto your viewpoints strongly, but do not disregard good advise especially in matters related to business. You will be able to make substantial gains this way, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Family affairs will dominate and will take up most of your time today. Your persuasive skills and your charismatic personality will help you get a lot of work accomplished, says Ganesha. Emotional matters will demand your time, but you will take care of them rather easily. At night, you will spend the time sorting out intimate affairs with your partner.

Libra : Those of you who have friends and relatives abroad may get good news from them. Job interviews may not prove successful today even though you may have tried hard and put in your very best, success will not be with you today.

Scorpio : Forget business, you are in a mood for some romantic developments in your life. You feel the passion within and would love to have someone special in your life, with whom you can live your dreams. Ganesha asks you to be patient and believe in yourself!

Sagittarius : Ganesha foresees a profitable day in the calender of all the businessmen. It’s time to live your dream as the loan you were waiting for has been sanctioned now. Along with your near and dear ones, you will make your beloved feel special. Make memories and cherish the time you spent together.

Capricorn : In every situation, you will make sure that you hold the commanding position. You have a clear vision about your goals and how you want to go about them. But, you need to ensure that you don’t get distracted from your path, advises Ganesha. Follow your instincts and trust your confidence, they will take you to your targets.

Aquarius : There are times when nothing goes as per you plans and all you get at the end is sheer disappointment. Be prepared, if today is one of those unfavourable days, warns Ganesha. Problems at work place can be solved with diligence, patience, and positive approach. Keep your chin up and deal with the difficult times.

Pisces : It is in your nature to love and care for others, and hence people will be extremely fond of you in return too. You will feel like helping others and forgetting and forgiving past wrongs. Post afternoon is a good time to sit down with your family and talk about important issues that need your attention, says Ganesha.