
Aries : If you have a sportsman spirit, today will be a very bright day for you. You should make the best of it as something unexpected may turn out to be in your favour. Ganesha says you are sensible and know exactly how to balance work and leisure.

Taurus : You will be in a mood to dominate and boss over your subordinates and assistants as soon as you land at your work place. Ganesha urges you to get rid of this idea instantly. Otherwise you are likely to lose a lot of money in store for you. You are likely to feel bored and listless later in the day. Take a break and go for a small pleasure trip to some attractive and picturesque spot. That should pep you up.

Gemini : You will feel the need to break free from the shackles of your daily routine. You will try to complete all your work in one go and this will give rise to mental stress and worry. You will be able to concentrate on your personal matters only later on in the day, busy as you will be with work related matters in the afternoon. Make sure that you do not end up neglecting your family in pursuit of your career goals, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Today, your loved ones will prove again how much they love you. It’s high time you stopped doubting the intentions of your family members. It’s time to start over, start afresh and start giving back the love and trust that your loved ones give you.

Leo : Today, you will most certainly pay close attention to your personal appearance, says Ganesha. After all, no one ever said looking good was a crime. At work, you shall find the resources to dig up a successful business tactic. If you are a job aspirant, an interview in the evening shall go well. Spend some time with your partner — it takes little on your part, and will go a long way in strengthening your relationship, says Ganesha.

Virgo : The fairer sex will find pleasure in both the kitchen and the dining table. Expect to host the closest in the evening for some food and drinks. You might just go all mushy and gaga over your beloved too, says Ganesha. Not that they would mind.

Libra : Ganesha says there is all possibility of a trip for business or pleasure today. This journey will leave a long term impact on your memory and your life. You will win every ones heart by your powerful speech. You may forget your duty towards your family as you will show more inclination in trade and business.

Scorpio : Today, you may not be in a mood to work as you may lose focus every now and then. This may create problems in meeting deadlines in future. Evening will be full of romantic conversations as you spend some quality time with your beloved, predicts Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Your nerves are taut, and you are more aware than ever of things around you. Your spiritual side gets a major boost today. On the career front, expect it to be busy day giving interviews for better prospects. In the evening, your charm might just have a few women dangling by your side at places you party.

Capricorn : The work pressure is mounting and you find it extremely difficult to bear the burden. Deadlines are closing in and there is still a lot to be done. But, none can dampen your spirit and break you down. Not only you’ll fight with full force, but also will choose the right path to move forward, says Ganesha.

Aquarius : Today is reserved for outlining projects that will ultimately shape your future. You may want to chalk out a plan for your education, job, or even a relationship. Later in the day, you may get lucky with sudden and unexpected profits. If you’re a professional, there are rewards galore, expects Ganesha.

Pisces : If legal hassles have been troubling you of late, they are likely to reach a satisfactory conclusion today, says Ganesha. Your finances look good. Family matters will keep you busy in the afternoon. Your evenings are likely to be filled with music or dance classes.