
Aries : You may pick up the hammer and chisel today. No, you’re not taking up sculpture; you’re finally giving in to your spouse’s demands to take some home improvement measures. It’s in your interest to be speedy and focused, as you are the guilty party, says Ganesha.
Taurus : There is a strong possibility of receptivity and sensitivity in your love life. On the down side, your negativity may lead to mediocre results. You are a fire-fighter when it comes to others’ problems, but can forget digging a well for your own home, says Ganesha.
Gemini : Emotional and material security will hold equal importance today. You want to be in love, but you know that love can’t buy you dough. In academics, you will be able to solve whatever problems you set your mind on. Your spare time will be spent on devising methods of making the best use of your knowledge. Today, you will make crucial choices concerning higher studies, predicts Ganesha.
Cancer : In all likelihood, this is going to be a fairly easy day for you, says Ganesha. The only tough part of the day would be how to spend it. There will be hardly anything to do, anyone to talk to. Ideally, this is what you would call a perfect day. But not today. Today, you’ll miss people. You will find yourself more at peace with the unbearable chaos of the outer world than the deafening calm of your solitude. So, when you get your chance to rejoin the human race in its daily messy routine, you will be more than happy to oblige, says Ganesha
Leo : The trader in you comes to the fore today. With an impeccable eye for recognising profitable avenues, you will quickly spot opportunities that arise from buying goods at cheaper prices, and selling them off at a rate that leaves you with a lump sum profit. Start with small transactions, and treat each transaction with care before you plunge into bigger ventures, like the Bull-n-Bear tussle of the stock markets. Ganesha wishes you all the success today.
Virgo : There is a strong indication that you will dabble in writing or performing arts, and emerge with excellent results. Since these are your passions, you may cultivate hobbies in these fields, if they are not already your profession. Enjoy the power you have over people today as you grip them with sweet words, swinging to your whims, says Ganesha.
Libra : Your family is the cornerstone of your success. And today is no different. Your auspicious day starts from your home, and you manage to carry this luck everywhere you go with the same tempo and gusto, predicts Ganesha. Your smile enables you to keep winning people to your side.
Scorpio : You will spend most of the day in self-introspection and in testing your capabilities. You will take all the needed steps to improve your professional proficiency. Your rare insight and gifted understanding of human nature will prepare you for leadership in the near future, hopes Ganesha.
Sagittarius : Today, you will most certainly put your heart and soul into your work. But it is rather unlikely that you will get the returns in proportion to the efforts you put in. Yet, at the end of the day, you will be more than satisfied that you have got the chance to display your innate talents, says Ganesha.
Capricorn : You’ll have apparently no time for anything else, as partnerships and projects will keep you on your toes. You communication skills and diplomacy will fetch you accolades in meetings, and also enable you to judge a person or a situation correctly, and form the right opinion. The efforts you have in the past may come to fruition today, feels Ganesha.
Aquarius : You plot and plan well today! A lot of your time, energy and money may go into less productive activities. But the quality of your work will near perfection. Keep it up, says Ganesha, it is this creativity which gives you an edge over others.
Pisces : You can probably count your chickens before they hatch today, for it is likely that every nest-egg you expect to mint money will. A good day to trade in the stock markets as well, as long as you keep in mind that the horns of a rampaging Bull market can be every bit as deadly as the paws of a lumbering Bear market, says Ganesha.